device orientation question...

Hey all, real quick question for you. I recently discovered something I never saw before.
In all of my scenes I made sure to do... SCENE>AUTOROTATE> and check off both landscape left and landscape right.
But suddenly I've discovered... GAME>DEVICES> Device Orientation and Interface Orientation.
What are those?

Correct me if I'm wrong but it's crucial to check off (in SCENE>AUTOROTATE) landscape left and landscape right. Right?
So do I have to do anything with the GAME>DEVICE ones?

Curious what their functionality is and if I need to do anything with them? My main goal is to have the player be able to play the game landscape left and or right (whatever their choosing is).


Best Answer

  • BluemoonstudiosBluemoonstudios Posts: 156
    Accepted Answer
    @anatomyofdreams ive got 2 apps on the app store, 1 made in landscape, and the other in portrait. I have never had to touch the GAME - DEVICE orientation and they both work perfectly. As long as you have checked the the SCENE - ORIENTATION you will have no problems. Im not completely sure why there are 2 options for this.

    Good luck with your game :)


  • jimbo340jimbo340 Member Posts: 55
    Why don't you do both it can't hurt? And I don't know why they are both there some reason.
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @jimbo340 thanks for the response. But unfortunately i don't know what the difference between them are. So i don't want to do anything that may potentially screw with my game. Anyone else out there have any suggestions or ideas?
    And thanks again jimbo! :)
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @bluemoonstudios thank you! I'm curious what they do too!
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