Question about music not playing

inferno06inferno06 Member Posts: 3
edited January 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
Im trying to ad music to my main game menu, the music file works perfect and the extension is .ogg...
problem is once i drag it into the rules it shows as play sound and the volume and pitch are on 1 so i preview my game sound at all.


  • inferno06inferno06 Member Posts: 3
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    edited January 2013
    GameSalad uses .m4a for music and .ogg for sound effects. What you would need to do is import the file as either a .m4a, or as another format (.mp3, .wav, .aiff etc...)most any other format can be imported, but it will ask you what you want to convert to, either Music or Sound Effect. You would then choose Music.

    Either one of those 2 methods will let you see the files now in the Play Music behavior.

    Edit: I deleted your other thread because multiple threads on the same topic are not necessary to create.
  • inferno06inferno06 Member Posts: 3
    ok thanks,is it the same for windows? cause thats what im using,not the Mac version
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