Can't get actor to move

cmasterenkocmasterenko Member Posts: 52
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So, I'm trying to get an actor in my game to move left, right, up, and/or down in my game using the accelerometer or the keyboard depending on how I'm testing, but it won't move at all. I've tried using web preview as well as testing directly on my iPad. I've also double checked to see that the rule said any and that moveable is checked. The other thing I've done is removed the up/down rules so it could only move left or right since I've done that much before and I know my rules for those work, but it still won't move in any direction. Can anyone help?


  • cmasterenkocmasterenko Member Posts: 52
    I've also tried using the accelerate attribute instead of move and still nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    I started making a series of Platformer Tutorials. They begin with player movement.

    Maybe they can be of some help?
  • cmasterenkocmasterenko Member Posts: 52
    Thanks, I think it might just be a bug in the game because I started over from scratch, but made sure it moved first before anything else and it worked with the same conditions that didn't in my other game. weird :/
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