Actors not showing in preview

Hey guys, I'm new to GameSalad, I've watched a few tutorials and I haven't seen this happening to anyone and I can't find a solution.

When I drag an actor into the scene, it get's some random position, like (x:1943,y:1353), does anyone know why it doesn't just appear in the middle of the scene?
Also when I have adjusted the position so it's in the window, and press the Play button, it either doesn't show up at all, or I just see a random part of it. Anyone have a solution for this?



  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    What else is going on in your project, is it simply a blank project with just the one actor with no rules which is placed in the scene ?
  • chbachba Member Posts: 5
    Hey, yeah, it's just an empty project.
  • Member Posts: 11
    I have exactly the same problem. When I open a new project, drag some actors in my Stage and then hit the preview button. Preview opens and the actors are in random postions then they should be. I didnt adjust any rules or something, its a totally new project. Does anyone know a solution for this problem?
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Seems to be a somewhat common issue with Windows Creator ( I'm not sure what the solution is...

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  • Member Posts: 11
    that not exactly the same problem, when i moved the actors to the stage i had to position them manually by typing in the right x and y postion but its not just that. its about the preview. actors have a rondom position in the preview.
  • StathisAce  StathisAce Member Posts: 3

    Same problem here! Any solution??

  • simon31184simon31184 Member Posts: 14

    Check the layer, the alpha, check and the dimension of screen. Try to create an actor that diplay text of your actor position

  • StathisAce  StathisAce Member Posts: 3

    The problem is caused when you try to change the size of the actor. If you don't change the initial size of the actor is displayed in the right place! If you change the X and Y coordinates from the actors properties then it works fine! Any solution so we can drag and change the size of the actors?

  • StathisAce  StathisAce Member Posts: 3

    Use the control key when you try to change the size of the actors!

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