Display text with an atribute


I have an atribute that holds the score. I have an actor on the stage the has "display text. score".

My question is how do I make it show an "$" in front of the score? I had it as a separate actor and just placed it in front of the score, but as the scor expands, it over runs the "$" and it's hard to read. So I believe it needs to actually be part of the "score". That way it will move dynamically with the score.

But how do I do that?


Best Answer

  • whompywhompy Posts: 27
    Accepted Answer
    Have you tried putting the $ in quotes before the 'display text.score'?
    I think you would do it like this: "$"..game.score
    You put the $ in quotes, then two dots before game.score
    See if that works.


  • belottebelotte Member Posts: 25
    That did it! I had tried the quotes, but I didn't know about the ".."

    Thanks a bunch!
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