How do you make your game trailers?
Hey guys, I need to make some game trailers. Can you please give any input / suggestions on how you make your trailers. Specifically i'm wondering what software you use and what your steps are. Thanks
Those types of trailers...
It depends on what you have already available to you on your computer. If you have a Mac, iMovie can get the job done just fine, but if you have better application resources such as Final Cut and Motion, you have more than enough to create some stelar trailers. You will need a method of capturing video from your device or from the simulator/viewer (there is hardware and other software options for capturing as well).
First step would be to check out existing trailers (for mobile, console etc.) and get a feel of what kind of trailer you want to have. The more pow and zing it has the more attention it is likely to create.
Story board out your introduction of the game, share some story (if a story is a feature of the game), characters, game features, gameplay, show some levels and wrap it up with details when it releases (if it is a preview), or announcing where to find the game (now available on the Appstore etc.).
If you have a graphic program for creating titles or adding graphic asset elements from your game into the video, use it! Sound FX, and voice overs are also always a plus!
This may be handy, it covers the guidelines for advertisements referring to the Appstore:
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