Is MBA(multiplayer battle arena) gaming ever possible with this engine?

mba is a strategical team play game just like the DOTA/LOL/HON games, however, the only extent of this game is player-player connection, for those who don't know this game, its a game of 5vs5(or 3v3) groups, when the branch/faction is defeated supposedly the opposing faction/branch to it wins, they pick the hero/champion and equip it with the appropriate items to make it more powerful in either assisting team mates or killing most of the enemies in just a swoop, most of the time the line-up for a group of players of 5 will consist of their own purposes for within the team.

all of the heroes/champions that are being picked have only 4 skills(providing them with power and balance)[3 normal skills & 1 ultimate skill], the items that are being equipped per hero/champion must provide them with the efficiency in order to win against enemy hero/s or champion/s.


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