Aspect ratios & Overscan question

zzap64zzap64 Member Posts: 405
edited February 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm targeting my app for Kindle devices.

I'm using the Macbook platform as it shares the same aspect ratio of 1.6 compared to the Kindle Fire HD. Overscan works fine.

However, the original Kindle fire is 1.77. When i'm using overscan the screen is cropped on all four sides, basically the view is zoomed in towards the center.
Is using device size attributes the best way to proceed ?

Best Answer


  • zzap64zzap64 Member Posts: 405
    edited February 2013
    Any guidance please, I'm impatient and sitting with glazed eyes at my Mac 8-}
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    edited February 2013
    If you check the universal binary thread (it's a sticky) there are some different solutions posted for adjusting the game to suit different devices. I went for auto stretching to fit the device. Others will say selecting letterbox is better to preserve your graphic quality.

    But yes, you can use device.screen.size.width to detect what device you are on and adjust your logic to suit it. Although doesn't android have about a million different device sizes...?
  • zzap64zzap64 Member Posts: 405
    Thanks for the reply @HoneyTribeStudios.

    I've previously spent a few hours examining these threads and the likes of the webinar etc. All great info.

    Looks like my options are:

    1. Overscan and just except different the aspect ratios 'below' the Kindle HD will be zoomed in.
    2. Letterbox.
    3. Stretch art technique.
    4. Device.screen.size check attribute.

    Is there anything else I can do when working on my Kindle HD project which will prevent the 'zoom' in affect on different aspect ratios or are all my options listed above ?


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