iPhone Portrait Cropping, camera origin issues

I have been trying to adjust my game so that it works on the iPhone 5 screen size. I use:
when all conditions are valid
game.screen.size.height t= 568

change attribute
scene.camera.size.height to 568

change attribute
scene.camera.size.width to 378

change attribute
scene.camera.origin.x to -29

This has worked in all of my scenes, except for actual gameplay scenes, after a level, menu, settings, etc..

The issue seems to be with the camera origin, because it is not changing. Here are some pictures, that better display the scenario.

The actor that holds all of the rules: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Before Cropping in iPhone portrait:Image and video hosting by TinyPic

After cropping in iPhone Portrait:Image and video hosting by TinyPic

iPhone Legacy Portrait: Image and video hosting by TinyPic


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