If I click the play button screen stays black or the picture is broken or completely different
I have windows 7 and i am new here. first i tried a car game tutorial from youtube. I did EXACTLY what the person from the tutorial did and everything was the same as in the tutorial. BUT when i clicked the play button the screen was black. Then i thought it was my fault because im a noob here
so I watched the tutorial over and over again but nothing changed. then ive downloaded two games from the cookbook. the first works only sometimes and the other doesnt work at all
Can anyone help me to fix the problem? Ive just started to work with gamesalad and I dont want to stop now

the color is also a problem, when your color is a mix of 2 colors (red=255 green=100 blue=0 or something) the color in preview is white. so you can only have 1 color (red, green, blue, white, black) so red=255 blue=0 green=0 then the color is red and it should work.
on mac you don't have these problems, so maybe consider buying a mac
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