Need template/ tips for creating a scene menu

eddysparkseddysparks Member Posts: 24
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
i want to create a menu list that will allow users to choose to go straight to a scene/level. Has anyone done this before or has any ideas of the most efficient way to do this?


  • eddysparkseddysparks Member Posts: 24
    i do not need them locked :) thanx :)
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    The easiest way is to do it like this:

    Make your level menu in a graphics program like Photoshop. Make all the buttons, text, graphics, etc.
    Export this as a flat .png and bring it into GameSalad.

    Make a new actor called "MenuBG" or something like that.

    Create a new Scene and drag the MenuBG actor into it.

    Then simply make a button Actor. A simple box is fine. You will put no code in the Prototype.
    In the Prototype, make sure Visible is turned off.

    Drag a bunch of these invisible button Actors on top of the button graphics of MenuBG in the Scene.

    Then double-click on the first one, and then click the padlock to edit the Instance Behaviors of that invisible button.

    Create a Rule in the Instance like this:

    When Touch is Pressed
    Change Scene To: Level1

    Then do that for every button.
  • SoulfulwiterSoulfulwiter Member Posts: 1
    I've decided to tryout and make a iphone game.
    Nice tuto guys for making a button go to a level desired.
    I'd like to know, if possible, how to make a level locked (on the three available).
    On the menu scene will have buttons leading to the levels (ex: Level 1 (must have 0-100), Level 2 (must have 101-200), Level 3 (must have 201-300), etc. Taking, the player reaches 190 pts, so that only Level 1 and Level 2 are accessibles and Level 3 is still locked; How do you create the(s) rule(s) on the level buttons so that is it only available depending on the player's score (juste like tshirtbooth was mentionning).

    Thank you guys.
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