Howdy There!
Well, I've been lurking these forums for the past few days now, so I figured I might as well make an introduction. I'm Jarren, a hobby developer; I rediscovered GameSalad this past weekend. I've actually had it on my mac for over a year, but never took a look at it, as I was using LiveCode by RunRev for my app development. I was attempting to make a game in LiveCode, but ran into some limitations mainly with the rendering speed of multiple objects. LiveCode is great for utility apps, but it lacks slightly in game development. I figured I would see what GameSalad had to offer, and an hour later I had recreated my app with huge improvements. Transitioning was a snap, as LiveCode has similar real language commands. So far I've been very happy and look forward to seeing its true potential!
Long story short, I'm here because I'm making a game... probably just like everyone else! So watch out for me, I'm getting the hang of GameSalad pretty well, but I may have questions from time to time.
Long story short, I'm here because I'm making a game... probably just like everyone else! So watch out for me, I'm getting the hang of GameSalad pretty well, but I may have questions from time to time.
Glad you re-discovered this software, and are planning on making a game. Anything you have trouble with, these forums are a plethora of information. Take some time out, if you haven't already, and go over all the material available for learning GameSalad.
Everything you need to know is within those links, and if you get stuck somewhere, these forums are your saving grace. Great community we have here.
Welcome once again, and don't be afraid to jump in any discussions you find relevant to your development endeavors. We may argue around here from time to time, but overall, we are all in this together, and as Sister Sledge so once eloquently put it...We Are Family.