Current game is build for Iphone 4 & 5, What is involved in making it universal?

There is alot of chat on the forum about Universal builds. I have a game in production that is designed for Iphone 4&5 all my graphics are Iphone size and appropriate resolutions. If I opt to go for a universal build would I need to change all my graphic sizes and resolutions to suit the Ipad? In hindsight perhaps I should have built if for Ipad and resized it for Iphone. However is it posible to go the other way without my graphics looking crappy on Ipad? What is involved in changing an Iphone game to ipad ready for a universal build?


  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    Universal builds are best going from iPad to iPhone.

    If you used iPhone Retina then you maybe able to port to iPad Retina and retain relative quality than going from standard iPhone resolution to standard iPad.

    Watch the tutorial at for how to make your game Universal.

    Hope this helps
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