Offering special Iap deals

Hi all,

I know the title my be misleading but couldn't name it anything else.

Is it legal or practical to have special Iap deals with in a game. I been working on marketing techniques ect and found that people like getting deals. So I though why not include that in.

So If there is an option to disable ads in my game for $1.99
Assuming I I know how to set up Iap, if I set up two, one for the initial price and one for $0.99.

That way if the device time is equal to a set date, eg Easter or valintines day, I could make it change a rule behavior and then when touched go off that rule to access the store. That way I could create my own pop ad ect. Or have it that if you buy with first 24 hours you get it half price.

Just an idea I was hoping was legal or possible. My not be too honest but thats what the big companies do. But it would open the doors to my game a bit about getting users more engaged.

Any thoughts?


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    Just an idea I was hoping was legal or possible.
    Well it's certainly legal, the question is whether it breaches Apple's terms and conditions ?
  • ElfizmElfizm Member Posts: 489
    Well I was playing Hay Day by celllab the other night and every now and then they offer me 40% of a selective purchase ect. So considering they run on servers, in terms of people buying things it would come under the same sort of line @socks
  • ElfizmElfizm Member Posts: 489
    @socks after spending a few hours finding the info and going through I found it just goes through one ear and out the other. So I think I might just get a lawyer or someone to check it out if it's going to cause hassle later on. Unless someone knows or has any input
  • capitalcarnagecapitalcarnage Member Posts: 371
    @Elfizm - Awwwwww, I thought your had coupon codes for Lap dances
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