*** Operation BlueEagle ***

Operation BlueEagle is my latest initiative to increase the size of our portfolio of games.

*** BlueEagle ***

I am looking to hire developers to build games of their own choice. Process -
1) Come up with an idea
2) Submit the idea for consideration
3) Get approved
4) Develop Game
5) Receive Payment

In pure english, simply come up with a game idea, if it's good, we will hire you to build it for us. We have a decent budget that will allow us to build multiple games at a time.

How will I know you won't steal my idea?
There would be no point. Not only would it look bad on us, but we are already busy developing games internally. We simply don't have the time to add to our pipeline.

How will I receive payment?
Paypal with milestone payments on completion.

Do I have to transfer you all rights?
Yes, all rights must be transferred to us.

What if my app isn't a game?
Sorry, we are only accepting game idea submissions.

Do we have to create graphics and sounds for the game?
You will be responsible for the graphics. We may be able to provide sound.

If you want to submit an idea, please send an email to globalwhirl@gmail.com with the subject title being "GS Idea Submission". Feel free to PM or send an email if you have any comments or questions.


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