Real Racing 3 : RUINED

Well, another great franchise falls to the might of IAP. What has happened to the industry? Do people really think this is the way of the future? Don't get me wrong, I'm not against IAP as such, for extra maps, cars, characters etc but having to pay to repair your car and then to pay again so as not to have to wait for several hours after each race... This is a disgusting business model and I have since deleted RR3. I would have happily paid $20 for this game... UNIMPRESSED, EA. Firemint was better off without them.


  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    Yeah...that does sound bad :(

  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    It's the worst implementation of IAP that I have seen. Nothing about the game is fun... and isn't that what games are supposed to be?
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    The worst must be ultimate-guitar app. It's free... And kinda empty until you pay. $-)
  • DanDaMan123DanDaMan123 Member Posts: 216
    edited February 2013
    Yeah that does sound awful and I've seen other things like it but never this bad
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    Yeah, just download it and give it a 1-star rating, and urge your friends to do the same.

    It probably won't make too much of a difference, as most people would raving about how it's awesome and free .

    Individual people all feel the same way as you, but ignore it and continue on because they fear that they're alone on this pinion.

  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474

    Yeah, just download it and give it a 1-star rating, and urge your friends to do the same.

    It probably won't make too much of a difference, as most people would raving about how it's awesome and free .

    Individual people all feel the same way as you, but ignore it and continue on because they fear that they're alone on this pinion.

    I left my review, along with MANY others. I'm hoping that they are using the NZ store etc as a test for the worldwide release... maybe they will change their minds... remember the whole GS publishing debacle? They listened to the crowd ;-)

  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited February 2013
    They listened to the crowd ;-)
    I only wish you were right :(

    The amount of players that actually do speak up would be fractional compared with the players that rave about the games' graphics and free download.

    (Although I'm not in NZ, I'm assuming this based on what happens to all of the big-name apps in the US Market. If in NZ there is a considerable amount of 1-star reviews...I stand corrected :p )

  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    They listened to the crowd ;-)
    I only wish you were right :(

    The amount of players that actually do speak up would be fractional compared with the players that rave about the games' graphics and free download.

    (Although I'm not in NZ, I'm assuming this based on what happens to all of the big-name apps in the US Market. If in NZ there is a considerable amount of 1-star reviews...I stand corrected :p )

    There are HEAPS. The average rating is three stars... though the majority of reviews are 1 star... the average being brought up by idiotic 5 star reviews. I looked through the reviews and the higher ratings were from idiots saying stuff like "great graphics" or "haven't played it but will be good". It's clear that the good reviews have been left by people that haven't spent much time playing it yet...
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    Yeah, I like the sound of that!

    In the US, any game published by a big-name publisher will have an average of 4-5 stars due to an overwhelming number of 5 star reviews, leaving the 1-star reviewers proportionally tiny :(

  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474

    Yeah, I like the sound of that!

    In the US, any game published by a big-name publisher will have an average of 4-5 stars due to an overwhelming number of 5 star reviews, leaving the 1-star reviewers proportionally tiny :(

    I gather most of the reviews are not from NZ, though... pretty tiny market here... I know heaps of people are creating accounts in the NZ store to download the game.

    You're right though... it's a sad fact!!!!
  • laxking97laxking97 Member Posts: 114
    Both of these websites have said that it isn't necessary. initially it will suck, but once you get more cars, you can just change cars while the other is in repairs. so while you said you would gladly pay $20 for it, you can get $20 worth of iap and you should have enough cars to not worry about it, and if all the cars are broken it shouldn't be a long wait

    ( (
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Both of these websites have said that it isn't necessary. initially it will suck, but once you get more cars, you can just change cars while the other is in repairs. so while you said you would gladly pay $20 for it, you can get $20 worth of iap and you should have enough cars to not worry about it, and if all the cars are broken it shouldn't be a long wait

    ( (
    Both of those websites receive advertising revenue from EA. I hate to sound cynical but I used to be an automotive journalist... there was only so much we could say about the cars before we got in trouble with the advertisers.

    Trust me, I have tried playing this game... it's tough enough getting coin for upgrades, let alone new cars!!! Did the math on the IAP too... it would cost WAY more than $20 to be able to play properly... I read in a couple of places that it works out to around six dollars an hour...

  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    Advertisers have finally found a way to constantly be in a kid's wallet (aka mom's) and do as they please without mom or dad knowing (gift cards and such). Its disgusting. Ive been saying it forever now, what is the difference between a vegas slot machine and the average free app a child is playing? Answer- nothing. No difference. The only true difference is that at least in vegas you may actually get real money- not fake pixelated coins.
    I'm extremely against any form of free games that charge for anything beyond unlocking the full game. Its a scam. I want to make art. I want to make games. I don't want to manipulate people to hand over hard earned money during a horrible economic crisis.
    Clearly i'm ranting here. Haha. Apologies. I just really hate this type of model. Corporations have found, yet again, another way to destroy art and make it about bloated profit. LITERALLY stealing candy from a baby.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    edited February 2013
    Advertisers have finally found a way to constantly be in a kid's wallet (aka mom's) and do as they please without mom or dad knowing (gift cards and such). Its disgusting. Ive been saying it forever now, what is the difference between a vegas slot machine and the average free app a child is playing? Answer- nothing. No difference. The only true difference is that at least in vegas you may actually get real money- not fake pixelated coins.
    I'm extremely against any form of free games that charge for anything beyond unlocking the full game. Its a scam. I want to make art. I want to make games. I don't want to manipulate people to hand over hard earned money during a horrible economic crisis.
    Clearly i'm ranting here. Haha. Apologies. I just really hate this type of model. Corporations have found, yet again, another way to destroy art and make it about bloated profit. LITERALLY stealing candy from a baby.
    EXACTLY! I will NEVER have IAP as part of my games, unless, as you stated, it's simply to unlock the full game from a demo. Same goes with ads. I abhor them. If that means I make less money, so be it... hell, my games make stuff all anyway... I do it cos I love it :)

    And this is why I'm not overly happy about the Ouya... it could be awesome... it could just be a whole new world of freetards...

  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    Haha yeah i agree @polygame on everything you said!
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    Haha yeah i agree @polygame on everything you said!
    Me too! :p

  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Haha yeah i agree @polygame on everything you said!
    Well, I do know everything... :P

  • FlamingbananaFlamingbanana Member, PRO Posts: 90
    I agree too @polygame :D It shouldn't be about the money it should be about making a great game for people to enjoy and get something out of. Real Racing is/was a great franchise and I still love to play RR2 but the new system they've implemented is just absurd and greedy. Anyway... just my two cents :P
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Not a fan of IAP either and have never used it either making or playing.

  • WingmanappsWingmanapps Member Posts: 458
    edited February 2013
    well i "slightly" disagree regarding the use of IAP.
    ofcause It should never ruin the general progress of a game.

    But making a game free with 60 levels where the first 20 are free and you unlock the rest 40 rest for 0.99c seems like a legit way to expose your game more users.

    Consumable IAP is often where developers get greedy

  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    well i "slightly" disagree regarding the use of IAP.
    ofcause It should never ruin the general progress of a game.

    But making a game free with 60 levels where the first 20 are free and you unlock the rest 40 rest for 0.99c seems like a legit way to expose your game more users.

    Consumable IAP is often where developers get greedy


  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    It seems the devs have been listening... I reinstalled and it seems much more balanced now. Before a tiny scratch on the car meant paying for repairs and not to wait... Seems much improved! Hopefully the devs will keep tweaking. The racing itself is epic.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    So I was about to post on the RR3 Facebook page about how I was grateful for the tweaks and how I'm really enjoying the game now... But guess what? Someone has gone through and deleted the bulk of the negative comments and blocked anyone who made them from posting... Talk about not being able to take criticism!

    As for the game itself, I just played for about an hour before I hit the "pay wall". Pretty good value, I reckon and it shows they are listening to the devs! I shall be spending some coin on this come payday :)
  • EbreezeEbreeze Member, PRO Posts: 481
    edited February 2013
    IAPs are retarded :D .. For the most part IMO ... I'm releasing a huge game soon and am going to charge $4.99 flat ... It's becoming a rare thing these days on the AppStore but I'm doing it anyways

    Here's the game

  • dingosmoovdingosmoov Member Posts: 130
    Life = IAP :)
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Okay, so after having spent loads of time with the game (well, as much as I can afford), I came up with this review:
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    IAPs are retarded :D .. For the most part IMO ... I'm releasing a huge game soon and am going to charge $4.99 flat ... It's becoming a rare thing these days on the AppStore but I'm doing it anyways

    Here's the game

    Holy crap! That looks incredible! What devkit did you make it with? Unity? Or is it native C/C++?

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I was just thinking about making a racing game for free and when you start it you need to buy a steering wheel for $9.99 I am sure this will make me rich ;)
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I was just thinking about making a racing game for free and when you start it you need to buy a steering wheel for $9.99 I am sure this will make me rich ;)
    Or even better, wheel nuts. They only cost .99 each but if the player forgets to buy them, the car has a catastrophic crash and needs thousands of dollars worth of repairs. Lol

  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    I was just thinking about making a racing game for free and when you start it you need to buy a steering wheel for $9.99 I am sure this will make me rich ;)
    They only cost .99
    Awww...only charge .99? How about we make that $9.99 too? Wheel nut manufacturers need to *cough* eat *cough* too, right?

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