PNG size reducer.

GS_MasterGS_Master Member Posts: 159
edited February 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have noticed a couple of threads on reducing picture size and i'm going to bring that together and tell you how i got a 20mb gamesalad game to 4mb!
So first I would download This
then unzip the file and you should get 2 programs. image optim and image alpha.
So here are the steps

1. Copy The folder containing all the pictures. (So You Can Compare Before and After)
2. upload them to
3. download the slimmed files
4. Run ImageOptim
5. Select all your slimmed images and drag them into the ImageOptim window.
5.5 Wait.......
6. Use Finder to find the FOLDER that contains
7. Right click the FOLDER and Copy Path > Terminal Path
8. Run Terminal and Type 'cd ' (lower case, with a space after) then Cmd+V to paste the path, then Enter
9. Now copy and paste this into terminal... -v -speed 1 -force -ext .png

....make sure you put a SPACE at the end, after .png
10. now drag all your images into the terminal. wait. and press enter.

P.S post your results below!

Thank you for your time.
Cheers! wafflemanz.


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