Publishing for iOS is not working?
Hello I am currently updating my game for the iOS. When I publish the game it will take me to the page so as usual I would click to update a exsisting game. So I do all that jazz update the description the version number ect... now when its time to Generate the app I click it... usually it takes like 10-15 min.. so I wait... and wait... 30minutes pass so I wait some more then I just refresh it because sometime it wont tell you it finished. but it still didnt go through so I tried MANY times over and the game just wont go through. Can anyone tell me whats happening? Or has anyone have this problem before? Thanks.
what i made wrong maybe it the same with you so i will tell you
first delete all games you allready try to publish with gamesalad
do not deleting your project man
go to gs and publish your game
choose new project
if it iphone or ipad choose the tap in left screen
in the top of your screen you will find title ..........fill it with the name you want
fill all iformation they ask
if you miss something you will se red mark on the top and what you did wrong
did you made bundle id.on
it must be the same bundle id for gs publish and apple developer
when you made bundle id on apple developer it will inclode apple id
your bundle is is com.234234234234.sxxxx
and you try to copy it from apple developer
and it will be like apple id + bundlle id
and you happy to copy it and past it in gs publish
this wrong ............. it was my big mistaker
copy only the bundle id not apple id with it
press generate and wait 5 min or after that refresh and sign the app
for the Beginners
their mistakes will be in
bundle id
not refreshing xcode when they drag the provisioning profiles to xcode
refresh is in xcode down in the right
and also they try to upload thier app to apple store without zip it
so you need to zip the app before upload it to store