Is this type of project conversion possible?...

Hey all. Complex question. I've searched everywhere and I can't seem to find the exact answer I'm looking for.
Here's the problem, my game is gigantic. Not only is it huge but it's also extremely diverse in its game mechanics. I.E. It's not one game mechanic like a Tetris, where conversion would be easier. No, it's dozens of different mechanics in one. Many of the conversion techniques going from legacy to iphone 5 etc. are just not reasonably doable without an exhausting amount of work (unless I'm missing something). Here's what would be super helpful for me, and I'm curious if this technique can be achieved?

My project started off a year ago as (what is now called) an IPHONE LEGACY project landscape.
Is there a way to let's say change the project into an iphone5 project BUT keep the exact same camera size and origin exactly the same. The actor placements and code exactly the same. This would be super helpful because then all I'd have to do is just manually build or stretch the background images to fill the new iphone 5 dimensions. I recognize that eventually I'd have to resize the camera for iphone5, but at least this would make starting the conversion easier- since you're game has not changed.

I'm not entirely sure I'm making sense here. The gist is that I'm curious if there's a way to bring your iphone legacy project into an iphone 5 project and keep everything EXACTLY the same. Thus allowing you to have better control over upgrading it to an iPhone5. As of right now when I change the project to iphone 5 it basically throws everything off and I can't tell what my original legacy camera positions were, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Apologies if I missed something in other forum threads. I've checked as many sources before coming here with this question.

Best Answers


  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    Thanks @beefy_clyro and of course @deepblueapps.
    It doesn't appear (at least on first glance) to support iphone 5. When i import it simply says iphone landscape to iphone landscape.
    However it is a start. And thanks to you both! :)

    Curious, could i basically take note of the camera size and origin position in my legacy project and then open it up as an iphone 5 project? Then redo the origin/size camera stuff to the iphone legacy settings? Would that basically do exactly what i'm looking to do?
    I.E. keep all of the intial legacy settings but brought into an iphone5 world so i can tinker with it?
    Thanks again!
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    THANK YOU @chakku and everyone else! :)
    Okay just a few more questions if you'd be so kind.

    1.) Do I have to do anything in particular for scenes with multiple layers (scrollable, etc.)
    I believe I read something about that.

    2.) As far as tracking area is concerned, I've noticed that obviously there is a big difference between iphone legacy tracking and iphone5. Would I have to manually change those as well when reading devize.size.height etc.?

    3.) I read somewhere about some kind of pause problem affecting reading what device you're on. My game actually relies pretty heavily on pausing. Is there anything to this statement? Or I just misread it?

    A million thanks!
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Basically, DBA's tool allows you to do the manual changing you are suggesting automatically.
    This is what people use to convert iPhone to iPad, it changes the specified target device and drops in an actor that takes care of the rest for you!

    This works great, no problems, so i'm not sure why it would have any problems making it for iPhone 5. (you may have some problems with say round objects being resized incorrectly, DBA's tool took that into account)

    The bits you have read about pause etc are to do with universal builds! This is where people have come up with ways to make it letterbox or crop to the correct resolutions but have encountered problems with pause scenes etc.
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @beefy_clyro thanks! The tools is fantastic and now that I understand what it does (thanks to your explanation) it seems even better!
    The only minor hiccup I encountered was that when I imported the project (which is a legacy landscape) it came in as a regular iphone landscape project. And all I could convert to was regular iphone landscape. So I wasn't sure if was going to convert to iphone5, as I did not see that setting (nor did I see a legacy setting. It just said iphone landscape).
    Thanks so much for the explanation.
    My goal IS to make this universal binary which is why I'm doing all of this as we speak. So I'll take a look at those pause issues, etc. as I get there.

    Thanks again really helpful as always! :)
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    No worries mate!

    The best way to go is to use this tool to go to iPad size and work the universal binary from there!
    It seems to be the way its done, not tested any of it myself yet but read a lot of people's experiences on it thus far!

    As for the tool, its great, been soo valuable to me! As are the majority of their tools, especially the merger!
    The tool hasnt been updated since there was iphone 5 so thats why you're not seeing the options to select those!
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @beefy_clyro all phenomenal suggestions. And all very much appreciated. I won't bog down the forums with a back and forth. I'm going to do some experimentation, figure some things out on my own, research other things, and then potentially come back here with more focused questions. THANKS AGAIN! :)
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @beefy_clyro thanks again. All good links. I'll keep you posted. I'm going to try and see if I can merge a couple of the ideas together. You're the best, thanks again :)
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