How to stop my bike from rotating

I want to stop my bike from flipping, in the air when i jump off my ramp

My game involves riding up to a ramp, and jumping off it ,
the aim of the game is to get as far as possible

Here is a pic , just after i jumped off the ramp , and it flips about 4-5 times in the air before it lands


here is my game once you have played it you will understand


  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Seriously ... And i mean this in the nicest possible way ... Start learning!

    You have bought a template and you are using decent graphics to replace it, you are changing the template, this is brilliant!
    However, you seem to be creating threads for every question you have! Study the template and figure out what is controlling what! If you cant do this, I suggest you watch all the videos you can in tutorials so you get a better overall understanding of GameSalad.
    As is, with all these threads, its like someone is building the game for you! The forums are supposed to work by asking a question when you are stumped, not everytime you want to implement anything!

    I'm not trying to be nasty i'm not but there is now a thread for so much for you! Put it all in one thread! I'm sure people are getting fed up which is why you are not getting many answers!

    I suggest you start by looking at the controls actors. Something will be allowing the user to flip the bike. Are they doing this by pushing buttons or does it just happen without any user intervention?
    If its a user doing it, create a rule to detect if the bike is n air;

    e.g. If bike overlaps or collides with platform change in air to false, otherwise true.

    Then only allow player to tilt the bike if in air is false.

    Again though, just playing the game gives anyone who potentially takes a look and might help nothing! Now they've moved on and helping in another thread! Show screenshots of your rules or type out what you currently have!

    Good luck
  • JordeyyJordeyy Member Posts: 409
    @beefy_clyro im not trying to irritate people, but if i try to look my self for like 1- hours , then i look on you tube and cant find a fix then i will ask on the forums it might seem like im asking a lot but that's because people are very helpful on these forums , so i no if i cant find a fix they will help

    not being nasty bro but most of the comments you post on my discussions are you having ago at me , everyone starts off somewhere . i have learned so much from people on these forums more than videos
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Don't get me wrong thats what they're here for and they are very useful. Its up to you whether you take my advice or not but starting 2 threads daily will just irritate people! Keep it all in one thread if its that soon after another one.
    Theres a reason your threads were merged earlier.
    Theres also a reason why you're not getting many answers, i'm just trying to help you get help, not have a go at you!

    I have offered advice in most of your posts, given feedback and even attempted an answer in here for you when i'm not telepathic so no idea how your rules are setup!

    I would suggest you re-read what i've said to you and take it onboard.
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited February 2013
    Again though, just playing the game gives anyone who potentially takes a look and might help nothing! Now they've moved on and helping in another thread! Show screenshots of your rules or type out what you currently have!

    Yep, this !

    I take a look at these kinds of questions - and these days just think that if someone isn't going to post even some basic clues then I can't be bothered to make the effort to squeeze information out of the poster, and like you say, probably like most people just close the thread window and move onto something else.

    The poster has all the rules, attributes, constrains, behaviours (and so on) sat right there on the screen in front of them, everything that makes the game do what it does, and even with all this information the poster is unable to work out what might be causing the issue . . . . so they decide that maybe someone without access to all this information will be in a much better position to work it out :)) it just doesn't make any sense ! 8-X

    These questions read like this to me:

    Hmmmm . . . I keep trying the following equation: x2°(z-p)*400+(4x) and I keep getting 32, but I was expecting to get 34, I wonder what I am doing wrong . . . hmmmm . . . I know I'll post it up on the maths forums . . . but first . . . now here's the clever bit . . but first I will strip any trace of the actual equation out of my question . . . you know . . . to make it 'easier' for them.

    "Hey guys, I'm doing a calculation and keep getting 32, which is not what I want, can anyone suggest a solution ?"

    Again, like @beefy_clyro said, I'm not having a go at the OP, this is a general comment on the numerous questions where people bizarrely post only the problem and keep the cause of the problem hidden from you.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    here is my game once you have played it you will understand
    Yep, I understand there is an issue with the bike spinning once it's off the ramp, and going on the information you've provided I'd say "something is wrong with your rules".
  • JordeyyJordeyy Member Posts: 409
    @Socks thanks , sorry about all the discussions
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited February 2013
    @Socks thanks , sorry about all the discussions
    No need to apologise at all, seriously, no one's injured, it's peoples own choice to read a thread or not, you don't own anyone anything, certainly not an apology.

    I'm just making the general point that if you don't share your rules you are less (much much less) likely to get anything other than a few guesses from people who can be bothered to give it a go.

    Like I say, you have the set of rules that produce this result (the spinning bike) sat right there in front of you, but rather than posting the rules and the issue, you just post the issue - not only depriving people of the basic tools to solve the issue but making the act of helping you that much harder.

    Time for another analogy: patient calls his doctor on the phone.

    Doctor my leg hurts, what should I do ?
    Mmmmm, maybe rub some cream into the sore bit, is it dry skin ?
    No, it's not dry skin.
    Mmmm . . . try taking a hot bath, it might relax the sore muscles.
    My muscles are fine, no problem there.
    Mmmm . . . right, maybe when you fell off your bike you damaged your . .
    [interrupting] . . no, I didn't fall off my bike.
    Mmmm . . . have you tried taking a couple of paracetomol . .
    Yeah, did that this morning, didn't help.
    Mmmm . . . maybe it's your cartilage, had any cartilage issues in the past ?
    No, not that I'm aware of.
    Mmmm . . . have you ever damaged your hamstrings during sport ?
    No, never had any trouble with my hamstrings.
    Mmmmm . . . . . (conversation continues for several hours . . . ).

    Now watch happens when we introduce the some basic information (show your rules).

    Doctor my leg hurts, I cut my shin climbing over a wire fence and now it's swollen?
    Mmmm . . . sounds like your leg is infected, I'll need to prescribe you some antibiotics.

  • JordeyyJordeyy Member Posts: 409
    @Socks i get you bro , in the future i will post the rules needed, to sort out the problem thanks alot bro , also nice analogy ;)
  • GS_MasterGS_Master Member Posts: 159
    try turning up the angular drag...
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