
Saw this on KickStarter today: LiveCode on KickStarter
Seems like an open source (thumbs up!) direct competitor for GS, with a scripting language similar to Director's old Lingo syntax, and also supports many of the features - true HTML5 support, custom fonts, Windows 7/XP support, Linux support, video playback, real database access, file system access, arrays, online access in the app - that people have been asking for.
Seems like an open source (thumbs up!) direct competitor for GS, with a scripting language similar to Director's old Lingo syntax, and also supports many of the features - true HTML5 support, custom fonts, Windows 7/XP support, Linux support, video playback, real database access, file system access, arrays, online access in the app - that people have been asking for.
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I ran across this and it looks neat. And when I last looked they still needed KS funding (maybe not anymore) with not a whole lot of time left, and if folks on this forum are interested in supporting indie development (and getting a reward for doing so), it sure seems like a good place to do so.
@P-O-M And what was the purpose of your post again?
Currently it's only downside is its lack of physics engine and built in animation. However, if they reach their stretch goal (which they are close to reaching), they will incorporate Box2D physics into their platform, which will open up the possibilities. I highly recommend trying out LiveCode, if it weren't for the lack of physics engine, I would be using LiveCode right now. (Not saying that I haven't found value in gamesalad)
As LC will be free, and won't be a serious alternative to the things GS can do (until they get through the long list of "stretch" goals), it's worth checking out even if you don't use it for GS types of apps for now.
To say that there is no typing of code in GS is laughable at best, dishonest at worst.
Do you have to type if/then? No. But you do have to drag a behavior, add the variable that behavior checks, and then type/click in a line of code in the Expression editor...which is a combination of typing code and lots and lots and LOTS of clicking. There's MAYBE an arguable point with GS that you don't necessarily have to FORMAT code, but one way or another, you're typing in code and numbers and equations that access global & local variables (attributes). GS "code" is GS "language." "Behaviors" are roughly speaking functions. The differences are purely semantics.
Anyways, my point was to post something neat to the non-GS forum that people may also find neat, and I've done that. I'm not wanting this thread to devolve into the typical sides of people who see and recognize issues with GS and those who will fight to the death to defend it.
@JarrenH Thanks for the insight!
@RP Yep, overall GUI-wise I think most of these 2D tools borrow interface elements (read: steal) from Flash, so they all end up being very similar visually. LiveCode's language seems to be a bit more straightforward to get ahold of than TorqueScript, which can only be a good thing.
The stretch goal they're currently working towards - with just 13 hours go to - is the Physics Engine - they've passed their first three stretch goals, this was #4. If they don't make it, it may well happen in the long run, but by the time they've finished doing everything else, it may no longer be top of their priority list - whereas if they Kickstarter reaches that level, they'll be committed to it. So this is a great time to add a pledge - anytime in the next 12 hours would be good, no hurry...
It's terrific to simply drag out Mac "furniture" ready-made (buttons, fields, etc) and then write a relatively straightforward BASIC-type programming to produce quite sophisticated stuff, especially for the desktop (Mac, Windows & Linux).
THe mobile stuff (which I'm not certain will be in the community version anyway) is only about a year and a half old; it's certainly more work to get an app together than with GameSalad, as a comparison.
But for producing fully-fledged Applications - as major as you like - it's got the stuff and is to be recommended.
As far as I've learned (but not totally sure) you can get the community version of LiveCode by pledging a minimum of $5/£3, although I've the feeling you'd have to buy an extra licence to sell your applications commercially.... although I might be wrong.
It's in no way a replacement for GameSalad ( and vice versa) - they're different tools for different jobs essentially – but it's a good application in its own right, all the same.
Anyhow, that's my two pence with if it helps anyone.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
By the way, "Try reading the actual page" is snark. A non-snarky way, which would have made you seem like less of an asshat, would have been "The information on the page indicates blah blah blah". In saying "try" & "actual" you are inherently questioning either my intelligent or my diligence.
The excellent plus-point for GameSalad which it's always been, is there is no coding required, for a start. LiveCode requires coding. The major feature of GameSalad is the ability to produce relatively sophisticated mobile apps with ease; LiveCode isn't there yet, but even when it is, it will always need coding. And LiveCode's primary forte is for building rock-solid and sophisticated desktop applications, as opposed to GameSalad's forte of building apps for mobile platforms.
So they are essentially two different types of application with different outlooks/uses, etc.
But if you do leave GameSalad and go with LiveCode for game-making, the best of luck to you.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
What you take as snark is up to you. It wasn't meant as snark but please, feel free to get your dander up if it makes you feel better. Or you could, y'know, not reply to posts you don't like. It's just a thought. Unless your intent was to derail a thread in which case, by all means, continue. But I think I'll just restrict my replies to people adding to the actual discussion in the future.
@gyroscope Thanks for the info! I'd never seen LiveCode before but at first glance and after a little reading and comprehension, it seems like an interesting product with a wide array of application. I still say that for anything worthwhile GS requires at least a bare minimum of coding, but we can agree to disagree on that point, as I have no pony in this show.
LiveCode seems to have tackled this problem from the beginning in terms of supported systems, which I think is a more forward-thinking approach.