Only the Image no transparent rectangle around the circle!!!

J_gorinacJ_gorinac Member Posts: 33
How do you make it where there will be no transparency around the image if its a circle? I have photoshop CS4 and when I make a circle it puts a rectangle around the image as a transparent background.....

How do you fix that?


  • JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
    Sorry not sure if you are saying you WANT transparency around your circle or you don't?

    You want your images to be PNGs, and in Photoshop when you have your image i.e. a circle go to FILE > SAVE FOR WEB & DEVICES and select PNG, there are two options PNG-8 (256 colours) and 24 bit (millions colours) The 24-bit will also allow you to save your image with a transparent backround if you need it.
  • J_gorinacJ_gorinac Member Posts: 33
    The picture its self will be square in gamesalad like it won't be just the circle it will have that box around it that is transparent (it doesn't show it but in the game if that "transparent box" hits another actor that i told to destroy if collided with, it will be destroyed). Basically i making something simliar to labryinth but when i have the ball in the game it has that box around it and when the invisible (transparent part) part hits the hole it destroys it when the ball itself wasn't near the hole
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Change the collision area to "circle" inside the Actor's physics attributes.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    yeah, all images are rectangles. within gs you can change the collision shape to circle. I would recommend you use an image that has equal sides (so a square) as gs does not do ovals just perfect circles
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