Using your own social media icons?

Hey guys,

I've done some research and it appears that for the most part altering branded social media icons & logos in any way is prohibited by sites like Facebook, Twitter etc; however, does anyone know if it would be legal to design your own icon that is almost COMPLETELY different from the original logo? For example, using a light blue chat bubble that would direct players to Twitter or something (since the actual twitter logo is not used)?

Thank you!


  • dwibredwibre Member Posts: 192
    I did some research on this while making my Sleeps Till Christmas app. Facebook and Twitter both say if you are going to link to their sites you must use their offical Icons which they supply on their sites. (This is what I did) However I have seen many well known games that have themed their icons to match their games. I guess you could look at it this way if you design a game and Facebook or Twitter start contacting you regarding your logo then your game is a huge sucess and in the first instants they will ask you to remove it or add the correct logo.
  • YoRoosterYoRooster Member Posts: 159
    edited February 2013
    I wasn't sure either when I first looked into this. They all state you "may" not modify the said logo. Actually that's just what I got from facebook but I assume the others are worded in a similar way. I think they try their best to get you to use their logos without going so far as to say things like "stricly prohibited" and "punishable by death" which is a sure fire way to say they do not want you to use any other logo other than their own! Big companies must have lawyers who look into all these terms & conditions and when you see them using whatever style they like in their apps and websites I think it's pretty safe to say you can modify it as you see fit. At the end of the day we are all acting as endorsers to these social networks and they don't want to jepodise that. They just don't want to lose too much of their unique identity. On the flip side changing the logo completely only hurts you because if customers don't recognise the logo as a link to facebook or twitter then you have to imagine they won't bother clicking and you won't gain any followers.
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