60 FPS on Galaxy Note 2 and 25 FPS on Galaxy S3

Should there really be this big of a difference? I wouldnt think there would be a 35 FPS difference. I have 5 instances of fire (DBA template) which I figured to be most of the problem so I reduced the number of particles and that got me up to 30-35 on the S3 but I really prefer the fire the other way. If anyone has had a similar experience or knows a workaround, please let me know. Thanks


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    I have no experience of either device, but I have noticed that GameSalad / mobile devices handle animation (image sequences) much easier than things like particles and effects with lots of constrains/rules.

    For instance - a simple square cycling through the colours of the rainbow using constrains on the R, G and B channels - and then duplicated on screen 200 times brought my iPad 1 to it's knees - but the same actor cycling through colours of the rainbow using an image sequence (so I pre-rendered the changing colours) and again duplicated on screen 200 times was handled just fine.

    So, as a suggestion - if possible I might be tempted to try pre-rendering your fire effect so it's ends up as a simple image sequence.
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