Am I able to use in app purchases to remove ads on my app?
I was thinking that potentially there could be a way to use in app purchases to remove adds in my app. This would be much easier than sending users to my Ad Free app for them to re download.
I had a go for about two hours and have search these forums and didn't get anywhere. It might be simple but I think it can't be done as in app purchases change attributes and I am no sure if the banner ad has a particular attribute.
Someone might be able to send me in the right direction
I had a go for about two hours and have search these forums and didn't get anywhere. It might be simple but I think it can't be done as in app purchases change attributes and I am no sure if the banner ad has a particular attribute.
Someone might be able to send me in the right direction

I have to admit I do not use in-app purchases as I am not pro, but if there is no easier way, you could have the purchase to change an attribute, which would then cause a different scene to appear from then on instead of the one that contains ads (such as the main menu) where there are no ads. Although this would make your game a lot bigger in size depending on how many scenes contain ads.
Anyway, surely you are not pro, so cannot do this???
When game.showad is false
--Show Ad
The have your IAP change game.showad to true
onces its true your ads will all be gone.
I am worried that if the app crashes the attribute game.showad will revert back to 1 and the user will have ads again.
Are you talking the enforced ads by GameSalad, iads or your own?
If pro, you have an option to display their ads or not on publishing, just say no and they wont ever show.
If using iads or similar, use the attribute that tenrdrmer mentioned, after the attribute is changed, save it and have it load at the 1st screen your game goes into for future plays.
I am not sure how to save the attribute change after IAP purchase and load it when the app loads again in the future.
Also, what happens if I update the game. Hopefully this won't matter.
if show ads is true - show iAds
if iap is purchased - change show ads to false
save attribute show ads
if show ads is false - destroy
Now what you want is a load actor, place this on your first scene. In the actor, put the load attribute behaviour with the saved attribute you've done from above.
You're obviously new so get on youtube and watch all the videos and tutorials you can, you'll gain a better understanding! Anyway, here is the video you need;
I think I may have solved it. Just not sure were to put the save attribute in terms of hierarchy in the rule when the IAP is finalised (see attached image). I got the load attribute all sorted.
Also, will the app still load the same saved attribute after a update is released and installed?
Your unlock is not a consumable, the attribute saves when the purchase is made. The product is is the save key. Etc... All of this information is in the documentation on the cookbook.
Removing Ads with an IAP.
I just found this thread. I have been struggling with the issue for a week. Searching the Forum database does not always yield useful results, but at least they are better than no results from searching GameSalad. There are so many broken links in the GameSalad site (compared to a year or more ago), that it seems a huge amount of useful info has been lost like tenrdrmer's link from above that returns "OOPs… etc":
Hello. Thanks for the advice above, but do you have a clue about where I should look next. I'm still trying to figure out the method you described at the beginning of this post. Thanks.
I am persistent and will hunt for info until I find an answer... or eventually create my own answer.
Since the Help Centre of GS has been revamped, and all the lists that I made, in a Numbers spreadsheet of where important info was to be found, including GS Videos on YouTube with content notes, I slowly worked through most of the newer current "substitute" Cookbook Tutorial categories and checked each sub-category looking for something that might help me, and hopefully help others:
@BlackCloakGS and @ForumNinga
Would it be possible to include a date of the last update to the information, in the Title of the topics in each of the Main Sections, and Sub-sections, of the Re-vamped Cookbook Tutorials.
It would help us determine if the info there relates to the latest Stable Release or is old and redundant.
@PhilipCC - Are you still having issues getting this to work?
If so, which part are you unsure of?
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
@Braydon_SFX Hello Braydon, and thank you for the quick response. You are kind and generous mentor.
I have resolved half of the problem. When I posted the link above, to the new Cookbook page:
I thought I had found what I needed.
Here is another tip for everybody.
I use my Retina iPad as a second screen to watch GS Tutorials, GSHelper Tutorials and other GS YouTube tutorials, MacProVideo tutorials, Adobe tutorials etc, etc.
I use my iMac to open the app I am studying and follow along by copying the tutorial… you get the idea, I'm sure.
The GameSalad Cookbook graphics do not display on a Retina iPad!
So, no wonder I could not fathom the instructions. The screenshots are 75% of the explanation and critical to understanding what you are attempting to do.
I just happened to go to the Cookbook section 7.4 on my iMac to explain to you what I did not understand and suddenly discovered all the screenshots.
Anyway, I'll follow these instructions now… and then if I am still stuck will ask for help again.
BTW, this is what I saw on my iPad:
Thank you again.