New to GS -- How do I start a project targeted for iPhone 5?
Member Posts: 3
Maybe I'm just totally missing something, but I'm so confused why my new GS project has a size of 568x320 ... when iPhone 5 resolution is 1136x640. My actor is 128x128 ... which is the exact size I want him to be on a 1136x640 screen. But when I drop him on the 568x320 screen, he's huge! Seems like I'd build the game at the highest current resolution for iPhones, and then GS would downsize everything to support the lower resolutions. ??? Please advise.
Turn on resolution independence. Design/Build your game in 568x320. Double the size of your images.
Since you do want the actor to be 128x128 in the 1136x640 area, leave the images at that size and have the actors half the size you need. And remember the usual rules for images:
Power of 2 Rule: iPhones will use as much memory for images as an image as the next highest power of 2. i.e. a 256x256 image uses as much memory as a 129x129.
Divisible by 4: Since you are using resolution independence, images for lower end devices will have images half the size of the original image. If an image has an odd numbered dimension, it gets blurry.
Thanks for the answers so far. Does anyone have a template they can share that shows what I'm asking for? I'd like to know what the rectangles are on the scene ... because if I drop a 256x256 actor on the scene ... it would take up most of the vertical space. Not sure how doing that will translate to what I would actually see on the iPhone 5 screen in the end.
I'm trying to get a grasp on sizes and resolutions to create game assets in. If I'm understanding correctly, having the various iphone, Ipad, retina choices, it's best to create art/images on a canvas of 2048 x 1536 at a resolution of 72 ppi? Then allow Game Salad to scale the image based on device using resolution dependence?
Thank in advance for the help!