New to GS -- How do I start a project targeted for iPhone 5?

Maybe I'm just totally missing something, but I'm so confused why my new GS project has a size of 568x320 ... when iPhone 5 resolution is 1136x640. My actor is 128x128 ... which is the exact size I want him to be on a 1136x640 screen. But when I drop him on the 568x320 screen, he's huge! Seems like I'd build the game at the highest current resolution for iPhones, and then GS would downsize everything to support the lower resolutions. ??? Please advise.


  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Did you choose iPhone (not legacy) and with resolution independence ticked off?
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    edited March 2013
    And make sure your images are twice the size as they would be on screen, so your 128x128 actor should be an image of 256x256
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    And yes the screen shows 568x320 but the resolution is twice that so it ends up at the res you want.
  • double3double3 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks, SingleSparq. I'll check the resolution independence thing. So if I want my actor at 128x128 on the iPhone 5, I would need to make it half that size in GS, right? Not 256x256, right? Here's a quick screenshot of a Photoshop mock to show what I mean ... The image on the left represents the end product I'm going for ... a 128x128 actor on the iPhone 5 resolution of 1136x640. So to get that I'd need to build my actor at 64x64, right?
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Yes but with resolution independence on, you should only have to place the actor on the scene and it should be half size itself no need to resize it. You can also drop the image from the image palette onto a scene and it will do the same thing, creating the actor as well.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Thanks, SingleSparq. I'll check the resolution independence thing. So if I want my actor at 128x128 on the iPhone 5, I would need to make it half that size in GS, right? Not 256x256, right? Here's a quick screenshot of a Photoshop mock to show what I mean ... The image on the left represents the end product I'm going for ... a 128x128 actor on the iPhone 5 resolution of 1136x640. So to get that I'd need to build my actor at 64x64, right?
    Actually, that's backwards. If you are building for iPhone 5, then you want to use Resolution Independence. And when you create your actors in an image program, you will need to make them twice the size you want them to be when they are onscreen. So your 128x128 actor would need to be created at 256x256. Resolution Independence will take care of the rest. When you drop it on the stage, it will be at 128x128.

  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    Short answer.
    Turn on resolution independence. Design/Build your game in 568x320. Double the size of your images.

    Since you do want the actor to be 128x128 in the 1136x640 area, leave the images at that size and have the actors half the size you need. And remember the usual rules for images:

    Power of 2 Rule: iPhones will use as much memory for images as an image as the next highest power of 2. i.e. a 256x256 image uses as much memory as a 129x129.
    Divisible by 4: Since you are using resolution independence, images for lower end devices will have images half the size of the original image. If an image has an odd numbered dimension, it gets blurry.
  • double3double3 Member Posts: 3
    Hmm. This is weird. And I can't believe GS doesn't have this info clearly spelled out somewhere. At least I haven't found it anywhere yet.

    Thanks for the answers so far. Does anyone have a template they can share that shows what I'm asking for? I'd like to know what the rectangles are on the scene ... because if I drop a 256x256 actor on the scene ... it would take up most of the vertical space. Not sure how doing that will translate to what I would actually see on the iPhone 5 screen in the end.
  • double3double3 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks CodeMonkey. Your response came in while I was typing my message above. :)
  • Jumbee LabJumbee Lab Member Posts: 1
    Short answer.
    Turn on resolution independence. Design/Build your game in 568x320. Double the size of your images.

    Since you do want the actor to be 128x128 in the 1136x640 area, leave the images at that size and have the actors half the size you need. And remember the usual rules for images:

    Power of 2 Rule: iPhones will use as much memory for images as an image as the next highest power of 2. i.e. a 256x256 image uses as much memory as a 129x129.
    Divisible by 4: Since you are using resolution independence, images for lower end devices will have images half the size of the original image. If an image has an odd numbered dimension, it gets blurry.
    Hey, I'm new to the forums and just starting to get acclimated to GS.
    I'm trying to get a grasp on sizes and resolutions to create game assets in. If I'm understanding correctly, having the various iphone, Ipad, retina choices, it's best to create art/images on a canvas of 2048 x 1536 at a resolution of 72 ppi? Then allow Game Salad to scale the image based on device using resolution dependence?

    Thank in advance for the help!
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    And there is a section of Gamesalad that was well built for newcomers. The Gamesalad Cookbook is a great tool. Plus the gamesalad cookbook youtube page. I suggest you read over all the tutorials first. then go watch the videos. If you do this. you will reduce alot of " How do I" posted topics. But feel free to ask either way. But I would seriously check out the cook book tiutorials. Its a great introduction.
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