Some info about Mobclix
SaladStraightShooter said that GS was implementing mobclix soon. This is great news. For those who aren't familiar, here's a little overview.
- WorldWide Ad Banner
- Ad Mediation (Basically has a bunch of networks)
- 100% fill rate - They have so many networks, so if an ad isn't filled it just is sent to the next network.
- Optimizer - Automatically picks out the best network to show ads from, making you the most money.
Cons -
Payment Issues. See this thread for more.
- WorldWide Ad Banner
- Ad Mediation (Basically has a bunch of networks)
- 100% fill rate - They have so many networks, so if an ad isn't filled it just is sent to the next network.
- Optimizer - Automatically picks out the best network to show ads from, making you the most money.
Cons -
Payment Issues. See this thread for more.
I think @SaladStraightShooter said it's for iOS and Android.
"Reach audiences on multiple platforms – including iPad, Android, iPhone, Windows Phone 7 and Mobile Web."
So again it will be interesting to see if they go Android only or support all platforms
I'm afraid you may have misunderstood me. @SaladStraightShooter confirmed ModClix as for iOS and Android (I thought Line Cooks got to know this :P?)
Here's a quote from him-
"Mobclix was set to arrive this week but may be pushed to the first part of next week due to QA identified issues.
Unlike Playhaven, Mobclix is developed with both iOS and Android in mind. "
Also you seem to not be able to properly spell my username. yet another reason I was not notified you had left a post here.
Ah ok, I'm sorry in that case
The company is very good at spinning excuses, but not so much at paying.
I would recommend anything but mobclix.
I'm currently looking for a new ad provider, by the way.
That's a very serious statement to be making. Can you share your app/s that are doing so well with ads.
Or explain some more on what happen. As Mobclix is very importent for me soon.
I've been following this ongoing thread on a SDK forum, its worth a read:
@DigiChain how are they treating you. How many months are they behind in payment?
Are you earning a suffiecent amount of revenue?
Not looking for figures.
I've no intention of putting mobclix into any other games yet though.
Revenue wise its not great and iAds is working way better for me, but still scrapes in a few dollars a day.