Bug? Reset Game can't reset the global parameters in "Game"?

In the template "Cave Adventure":
1 "Player Health": if I got "lose" and click space, the player's HP won't get reset, then I can't replay the game
2 "Player Has Treasure": if I got "win" and click space, I can replay the game, but the monster appeared directly, before player touching the treasure. That means the "Player Has Treasure" = 1 still.
3 "Win": if the first play got win, the last page won't show you "lose" anymore, because the "Win" = 1 still.

Best Answer

  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    Accepted Answer
    All of the built-in templates are considered to be incomplete, "Cave Adventure" included. You're right that it doesn't reset correctly. But you could add a rule wherever you see the Win/Lose condition rules and inside of that rule you could have a behavior to reset the necessary attributes, such as Change Attribute game.PlayerHasTreasure to 0.

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