Does the marketplace not allow paypal anymore?
Member Posts: 4,630
Hey All,
Justa quick question - Does the marketplace not allow paypal anymore? - I much prefer paypal to anything that seems to be available on it, Is there no way I can use paypal?
Justa quick question - Does the marketplace not allow paypal anymore? - I much prefer paypal to anything that seems to be available on it, Is there no way I can use paypal?
I'm sure @SaladStraightShooter can enlighten you a bit more on it
Yeah, I totally agree with you guys. I'm very hesitant to give out my credit card info, so if I can't get it through PayPal...I can't (won't) get it
Well now I guess I'll just PM a person and pay them personally through PayPal if I see anything I want (not that I'm an avid purchaser there, only got one thing from the marketplace :P )
And I also agree that most of the kids only have (can use) PayPal, and I have a feeling a lot of business may be from there. So they either ask convince their parents for their credit card...or the marketplace just lost a sizable chunk of its customers
Agreed, generally speaking if I can't use PayPal to buy something I'll just find somewhere where I can use PayPal.
I also agree with the point about children being more likely to have a PayPal account as opposed to a credit card.
This step seem regressive.
This wouldn't affect any chances of GameSalad supporting PayPal, right? (which has been announced yesterday on their official blog-
It definitely sucks that fraud is the reason. very disappointing. What about offering a no Credit Card pay-pal option? just a thought
- Thomas
P.S. Hopefully we'll see change, but I can understand that GS is only doing this to reduce fraud..
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