Changing the loading spinner wheel

SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
edited March 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
"In the "tricks in general" category, you can change/get rid of the ugly unchangeable loading wheel by swapping out the .pngs in an unsigned app file by venturing into the /res directory and swapping out the files called loading_bg.png & loading_spinner.png in the subdirectories."

I just found this.. (PixleMetal said it awhile ago) and I have a few questions:

1) Is it true?
2) Is there any possible way that this is false?
3) Are you sure that you answered 1 and 2 correctly? Bruh.. you trippin' ;)

But on a more serious note, could you just delete the files or change their opacity to 0%? Also, is there the slight chance of a problem with the GS TOS or something when you mess with files like these? I surely hope not.

- Thomas


  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    Still wondering about this.. if you can do what I said and change the opacity or get rid of it, that's pretty awesome.
    - Thomas
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited March 2013
    Still wondering about this.. if you can do what I said and change the opacity or get rid of it, that's pretty awesome.
    - Thomas

    Making it invisible will get your app rejected from Apple. They require you to indicate that it's loading.

    On the other hand, changing the images appropriately could do wonders- one can completely disassociate their app from GameSalad (even without the GameSalad Splash Screen, the loading wheel is still a dead giveaway, at least for me).

    Clarification please? :)

  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    @Chakku - I've heard that before, but they must not take the rule seriously. Think about it, there are many apps that take 5+ seconds to load and don't show any kind of continuos loading symbol. I think they just require something that says 'Loading..' or the like.
    - Thomas
  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    Also, that loading wheel is used by other SDK's, so it's not like it is owned by GS.
    - Thomas
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    @Chakku - I've heard that before, but they must not take the rule seriously. Think about it, there are many apps that take 5+ seconds to load and don't show any kind of continuos loading symbol. I think they just require something that says 'Loading..' or the like.
    - Thomas
    Good point. In fact, I see some GameSalad games that don't have an initial loading wheel, just loads on the splash screen (the splash screen sad loading on it)?!?! Do those people already change the opacity :/


  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    @Chakku - I think I saw somewhere that some of the Ice Cap games already have the native code engine, which apparently doesn't have the loading symbol. Could that account for it?
    - Thomas
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited March 2013
    No, not only that.
    I've seen from @DeepBlueApps's games 'Blood Flow' and 'Rolling Bones' with no initial loading wheel it goes from splash screen to main menu I'm 100% sure loading takes place on splash screen without a wheel, because heap lash screen is a bit longer than usual.


  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    I have both games; i'll check it out.
    - Thomas
  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    @Chakku - Wait, if that was using this method, it'd occur throughout the whole project, yes?
    - Thomas
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    @Chakku - Wait, if that was using this method, it'd occur throughout the whole project, yes?
    - Thomas
    Yeah, that's what I would think too...strange :/

    @DeelBlueApps- how did you do this? :/

  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
  • PBEmpirePBEmpire Member Posts: 676
    Hmm interesting! [-X but i think it is not allowed. But that loading wheel is unbelievably ugly. I got a email a few days back from a person who bought my game saying "Please remove that spinning wheel from the game and replace it with something else!! "
  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    @gsrockz123 - I don't really see why GS would not allow it, and we already know of games that Apple is fine with that don't have it so... >:) (Sorry for the creepy devil face, it seemed like the right thing to put at the time)
    - Thomas
  • iCreationZiCreationZ Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2013
    Well in my opinion, if gamesalad WERE against this, they wouldn't have allowed a thread like this to continue ...

    This would just be spreading the idea, so if they didn't like it it would have been closed right?

  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    Well in my opinion, if gamesalad WERE against this, they wouldn't have allowed a thread like this to continue ...

    This would just be spreading the idea, so if they didn't like it it would have been closed right?

    Good point. :P

  • iCreationZiCreationZ Member Posts: 158
    Obviously though I don't want to be held responsible if this is illegal in Gamesalad.. ;)
    But I do think we NEED new spinng wheel options. Or simply the ability to change it for a custom PNG. If this workaround is so easy, surely it would be a piece of cake to implement for the techno-gods behind gamesalad?
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    Obviously though I don't want to be held responsible if this is illegal in Gamesalad.. ;)
    But I do think we NEED new spinng wheel options. Or simply the ability to change it for a custom PNG. If this workaround is so easy, surely it would be a piece of cake to implement for the techno-gods behind gamesalad?
    Yeah, it would be nice if they implemented the changing of the pngs during the publishing process! :D

  • iCreationZiCreationZ Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2013
    Obviously though I don't want to be held responsible if this is illegal in Gamesalad.. ;)
    But I do think we NEED new spinng wheel options. Or simply the ability to change it for a custom PNG. If this workaround is so easy, surely it would be a piece of cake to implement for the techno-gods behind gamesalad?
    Yeah, it would be nice if they implemented the changing of the pngs during the publishing process! :D

    But surely its not that hard for them...

    With software as deep, effective and complex as gamesalad surely adding that simple option, even if it just involves utilising this tweak, shouldn't be that hard.

    Plus it's been on peoples wish-lists since day dot.

  • PBEmpirePBEmpire Member Posts: 676
    I am certain i have not seen spinning wheels in some gamesalad games and some
    Ice Cap Games. But they must seriously change that wheel, or allow using other images. it just does not make sense for a black spinning wheel spinning on a dark-themed game.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Pretty sure any hacking to the outputted project would break the TOS ... @SaladStraightShooter will be able to confirm this ... It is weekend so maybe tomorrow.

    As for DBA, he generally loads his splash screen on the same scene as main menu
  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    Any more opinions on this?
    Personally, I hope that changing these would not break the TOS.. but maybe so. We'll hav to wait for SSS's input.
    - Thomas
  • DanDaMan123DanDaMan123 Member Posts: 216
    I think almost anything you change like that breaks the TOS
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    As for DBA, he generally loads his splash screen on the same scene as main menu
    In that case, his game is loading in the middle of the scene. It starts the scene, then waits at the 'loading' image for a while, then gets to the main menu.

    Am I missing something here? :/

  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    edited March 2013
    Tried reading through the TOS.. I think I'll grow a beard by the time I finish! :-O
    Maybe @SaladStraightShooter knows the right place to look ;)
    - Thomas
  • PimanPiman Member, PRO Posts: 165
    Also wondering about this.
  • PixelNautGamesPixelNautGames Member Posts: 44
    It almost certainly is a TOS violation. The png is also one of those crunched pngs that you cannot view without converting them over. I knew of someone swaping out the image and when they tried to create an ad hoc build it wouldn't load. So I believe if thois is possible to do it would need to be the exact sime dimensions and filesize.

    But this is all just speculative theory at this point. There are ways to avoid the wheel altogether.
  • SomewhatScientificSomewhatScientific Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2013
    @PixelNautGames - I can preview and open up the png with no problem.. what do you mean?
  • SolarPepperStudiosSolarPepperStudios Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2013
    @SnapFireStudios It is indeed against the TOS. I asked the same question a while back ( asking the same thing but the answer was no can do. It is possible but against the rules. I also took the same principle to another level and found a way to modify save-game data, but that is also against TOS.
  • SomewhatScientificSomewhatScientific Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2013
    @Utveckla_Games - How unfortuanate and well.. irratating. It just doesn't make much sense. :((
  • SolarPepperStudiosSolarPepperStudios Member Posts: 754
    @SnapFireStudios Haha I read through the TOS in about 1/2 an hour and understood most of it. (My dad is a lawyer so I get the legal stuff :D ) I couldn't find anything specific but I do know that decompiling or modifying anything made with GameSalad is a big no-no. :(
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