Universal Binaries Control Camera

@Braydon_SFX , @GSHelper , @DeepBlueApps.com

Hey guys,

So I followed your tutorial on how to set up Universal Binaries. It works great. Works well on all my menus. The problem is in the game itself the iPad portion works fine (that is what it is initially set up as), but the iPhone and iPhone Legacy have a gap on the top and cut off the bottom. Now everything is the same other then the size of the scene which isn't being changed in your code you provided anyways. The only correlation I can find as to why it stops working properly just in the game seems to be that my main actor has Control Camera on him. Is there anything in particular that can be done about this or do you know of a solution. I tried setting the Y lower into the negatives but it doesn't change anything at all.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys. Also, thanks for the tutorial. It helped alot.


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