Colors- green like this, a bit lighter though, the same alpha as the blue below-, and blue exactly like this one -
I was thinking having little bubbles that floated around in the half-full beakers, and some that popped outside the top of the beaker, with a nice big noticable one as the dot for the 'i'.
If you're still doing logos, could I have one? I don't have a specific style in mind but the company name is Utveckla Games (Utveckla means develop in swedish ) For a font I would like the one in the Gnome picture above though. (Go linux!)
infiniti labs
(everything is lowercase)
I was thinking each of the letters would be science beakers, especially the 'i's and 'l'.
Maybe the dot in the 'i' could be a bubble floating up from the beaker?
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- Thomas
But really, that looks pretty good. Maybe make the flask look a bit more like an "L"?
- Thomas
- Thomas
It looks ok, but the 4th 'i' in 'infiniti' was intentional!
- Thomas
Yeah, I was thinking of something like this for the 'i's-
I also liked these beakers, though not as much as the 1st one-,95/chemistry-beakers-vector-105695.jpg
I was thinking maybe a nice shiny infinity symbol under the beakers, though not sure if that'll look nice or not
Oh, and I need to emphasize that I meant 'infiniti labs', with no capital letters, and the 4th 'i' in 'infiniti'
Thanks again
♚ Chakku
@Chakku What kind of font/style you after? Colours?
Can i have one for PBGames? Happy with any sort of design you can come up with.
Font- something like this-
Colors- green like this, a bit lighter though, the same alpha as the blue below-,
and blue exactly like this one
I was thinking having little bubbles that floated around in the half-full beakers, and some that popped outside the top of the beaker, with a nice big noticable one as the dot for the 'i'.
Thanks again and again :P
♚ Chakku