What size images are you all using for Android?
So what do you think is best for android? Play it safe and use images equivalent to iPad 1?
Or go HD and use the same ones you'd use for retina ipad?
I'm thinking the first option seems more sensible because of the wide variety of Android devices. Just wondering what works for peeps who know their Android stuff.
Or go HD and use the same ones you'd use for retina ipad?
I'm thinking the first option seems more sensible because of the wide variety of Android devices. Just wondering what works for peeps who know their Android stuff.
Best Answers
POM Posts: 2,599
Lol I misread it, I though you meant project size.
But yeah, I'd just go with retina, sure there are some devices that has full HD res out there, but the majority of them still have the 720p ish rea, and retina graphics looks pretty good on them.
My advice is, when porting to android, put the highest res you have for your images.
Roy. -
tenrdrmer Posts: 9,934
Due to the massive range of screen sizes I would normally go with iPhone 5 retina art or non retina iPad art. The none high res stuff looks ok on the few HD devices out there. And your not running incredibly huge huge art files on the lower ends devices until GS gives us better control over what art is shown for certain devices I personally would not be running full tablet sized hd art in an android build.
And if you decide to go with wide screen as a base project, I'd choose iPhone 5 res and then use letterbox for android.
As for my new game, I designed it as iPhone 5 res, and made tweaks for the iPad (with a Boolean- "iPad mode on")
This way it's android ready with letterbox.
What I meant was image sizes though. So do peeps go for sizes that are close to 480, 720 or 1280 resolution?
In my case my games are still built at an aspect ration of 480x320 so I'll prob go for images that are 960x640 for android. (And let GS auto stretch it for me by choosing Kindle as the build)
I've started sending out my new game for testing.
It runs smooth on an ipad 1 and 3rd gen ipod which are both using images that are 960x640.
On a Motolrola Android X2, using the same images it is crashing.
On an HTC Desire using the same images it runs but has long loading times and doesn't play smoothly.
So I may go for 480x320 images instead to make sure lower spec devices can run it smoothly.
Also, the splash screen does not auto resize to the device. So will include a splash screen with a smaller central image and lots of blank space at the edges.
Also the game gets messed up on the HTC if you rotate the device. It's the same bug as on the iOS viewer.