Something happening with Jango...
From the Jango website:
"Monday, March 18th 2013.
You've waited long enough."
(Delete Post if Dangerous)
"Monday, March 18th 2013.
You've waited long enough."
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I can't even find their website again, there are too many things called Jango and DJango.
- Thomas
- Thomas
Edit: @lycettebros - Jango requires coding right? Isn't it hook in to XCode? Sorry, it's been awhile.
It is a spinoff of JSON coding I believe. I am no expert. I was originally interested in their proposal to make a thing called GSBOT... sounded fascinating although probably broke the TOS. It morphed into Jangoengine.
They weren't breaking the TOS because the GS team was actually in on it. Unfortunately they didn't keep it updated, but apparently it did work at one point.
- Thomas
Oh GS was in on it. Wow is pity it died, I was very curious to see it.
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I'm sure that deserves an "Of" after it...
The whole site just looks so dark and dingy, and with basic spelling and grammar mistakes like this, it's an instant turn off.
Gamesalad, illuminating game design and creativity for all"
*Feel free to use that slogan Gamesalad!
I have learned not to judge based on spelling and grammar anymore. The world has changed.
You're both wrong!
Proper grammar is "would have"!
Wait, you could've been right. Did you mean the 'of' at the end of the sentence? In that case you're right! :P
Really !? 8-X
It should really be:
"Him man Heinstein, him have be proud on this phsics".
(I initially misunderstood what he meant by te 'of' and thought he was saying 'would of' rather than 'would have')
Grammatically "Physics, Einstein would be proud." works fine.
It's saying: 'Look, we've included physics (and by the way, Einstein would, if alive, be proud that we've included physics).
Whereas: "Physics Einstein would have been proud of." is saying:
"Look, we've included physics (and it's the type of physics Einstein would have been proud of).
Personally I've would have gone with:
"Yeah!! Boxy, boxy ball bounce !!!"
Isn't that the film that had Johnny Depp in it playing an animated cowboy lizard?
"Physics, Einstein would be proud." This is grammatically correct, They list "Physics" as a feature and then say "Einstein would be proud" referring to Einstein being proud if he could see their Physics engine. Yes, "Physics Einstein would be proud of" might be easier to understand but they include a comma separating the two parts of the sentence therefore making it appropriate since they are listing features.
On a side note, I think Jango is something I will use in the future because of it's native engine, easy code, api's, and I only publish to ios. It would even be free for me to use. Also a step up from xcode when something isn't possible in GS.
- Thomas
P.S. Or.. something like that.