Smart trick to open other apps, Facebook or Maps, Sms or Calls using the " URL behavior "!

As I think, since you can only use mailto: http:// and https:// within the URL behavior , the access to another app or functionality from your GS app wasn't possible. I searched in the forum looking for a solution, but I didn't find it.

After a while, I found a way to implement it using an online URL compressor, for example,

If you want to open, for example, your facebook fanpage, just write fb://profile/"yourprofileid" (no quotes) in the URL compressor website.

Using the returned link, the "http://" mode AND the "Use Embedded Browser" checked in the URL behavior, it will bring you to the fb app and then to your fanpage.

For example, here is my GS game fb fanpage working link (a like would be welcome! :)

I suppose that you can also use it with Maps, Google Maps, Sms, Calls etc but I don't know right now what are those app links.
That's your business! ;b

Best regards to all the great GS community!


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