As a customer, what do you prefer when buying an app?
So when you buy an app or download one which of the following below is best suited to you. My research show that the first one is more popular. But because my main goal is to create something the user would like instead of ripping them off I asking which one you prefer.
1. 750 levels for free which supports ads with option to turn them off for $1.99
2. 200 levels for free with ads and options to buy more levels and turn of ads. This includes more then one iap
3. 750 levels for a stand alone price of $0.99
4. 750 levels fit $2.99
Please choose which ones you as a customer would prefer, not as a delevoper.
So when you buy an app or download one which of the following below is best suited to you. My research show that the first one is more popular. But because my main goal is to create something the user would like instead of ripping them off I asking which one you prefer.
1. 750 levels for free which supports ads with option to turn them off for $1.99
2. 200 levels for free with ads and options to buy more levels and turn of ads. This includes more then one iap
3. 750 levels for a stand alone price of $0.99
4. 750 levels fit $2.99
Please choose which ones you as a customer would prefer, not as a delevoper.
Also it's impossible to choose between 1 and 2 as you've indicated no price for 2.
I rarely spend more than .99
There not strange at all in my opinion. You see I wouldn't have put it up if didn't think people would pick it. I talked to many people and some said they would pay $2.99 because they feel it will offer more or be unique then a $.99 game. I personally wouldn't buy it if I think it's worth 99c. However putting my own ideas and opinions a side because i am not the one buying or downloading the game.
As to the second option is, $.99 to remove ads , another $.99 to get an extra 300 levels. Another $.99 for another 300 levels ect. Again I talked to people and they said they like to buy more when they need it instead of being bombarded with heaps of levels.
Great, thanks for your input.
150 free levels with ads. $.99 to remove ads
Next 300 levels $.99
Another 300 levels $.99
This does a couple things
1. It allows people to try out your game for free which means more people playing your game.
2. If people like it they can keeps the ads and just buy more levels or both,
3. Allows you to keep adding levels even after your game is published and has a big enough audience to merit adding to it and keep customers involved with your game.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Also The Walking Dead has a similar price scheme.
@Elfizm 750 level really!!! hope they are easy to build 32 levels has take me over a year lol
Thanks for input, that was my Oriningal plan, however I figured that was following the trend of everyone else which I don't agree on. Because from a user point of view point of view, I would feel I was being milked of my momey having to pay all the time. And that would stop me from playing. But if people like that sort of thing then that must be done.
Thanks, very helpful response
Thanks, that was my thought as a user because I don't feel being ripped off
Agree, that's was my response but if users feel they are getting what they want and HAPPY to pay for more then guess I have been living under a rock.
Thank you, it dies seem like the growing trend nowadays , so something I will have to look more into.
750 levels took a few months to design on paper, they take about twenty minutes to build because I just type all the numbers into a table and then it makes my level. So yeah it's been a long time.
Of I was going to try make a lot of money I would have gone with option 2. That was the plan. But then I thought maybe I should just do what a user would want. Ads will earn a little bit and getting rid of them will earn a bit so I think either way it's still effective except option 1 offers more free content for longer playing time and time to be annoyed by ads.
Maybe tell us a bit about the game?
- Thomas
@RP and I are doing this with our game. The game is free with ads but you can pay $.99 to remove the ads and we give you the option to personally control some of the computer controlled events if you want for $.99. then we will be adding more tables and each is $.99. If you want those buys them if you don't then don't but you can play the whole game for free with ads but future tables we add you will need to buy.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
The game is Not important for this. It's just a general idea on how you would spend your money on a game.
Yeah that is a good method if you have some big fans of the game.
Well, this concept is pretty popular but here is my only concern. There is no point if the game as so few users. So my new idea would to release all 750 levels and then if downloads go good enough and the game is liked , do an update with option to buy more levels. That way I know it's what the user wants which is pretty much the whole point of making a app. To give what they want.
Or I can give 150 levels as you said, and have the rest iap, then update it adding a few more free levels and more iap options. That why it gives lots of options.
Thanks for your input
Just doing a count now to see which is popular (PM are also telling me)
- Thomas
It does when you are actually going to buy it. At this current time it's a game with 750 levels. For arguments sake, say these are levels that you don't mind playing.
Because the moment I show what it is or what's it about then the subject comes to, oh I would never buy that or ect. I am currently only interested in a general approach that you as a customer would take.
It's your initial reaction is what i am looking for.
Personally, I'd rather buy the game once, and have updates and level packs free for life, but that's just me! There are people like me, (many) people that would pay for a game and use IAPs to purchase additional level packs (assuming it was reasonable to do so), (few) people that are uncomfortable with IAPs and go only with the Lite-Paid model...then there's always the cheap people (a considerable population
And my tag-able name is @SnapFireStudios, not @SnapFireStudio.
- Thomas
Agreed. Level design (at lest unique/interesting level design) is much much harder and time consuming than what is presumed as dragging and dropping actors
That's why I am asking the question, that way I can find away to account for all types of users. So it really comes down to the first three options now.
I never said he didn't have a point and it's something I have taken in to consideration for a long time.
It's from here I can work with and if needed I would ask further more detailed to my situation. That way I am prepared and know what i am talking about.
Apologies, thought i had types the S but guess not
How long does does one of your average (early) levels take to play through ?
So far option 1 is popular. Followed by 2 and 3, and 4 only had two votes so I guess that's out of the picture. It's also looking 99c is out too soon but we will see.
If there is another way that you think is better or just throwing out ideas, I am all ears. Again this is just in a general game.
Just my 2 cents
.99 = removes ads + 150 levels
another .99 = + 150 levels
yet another .99 = + 150 levels
another .99 = + 150 levels
All levels & remove Ads Mega pack = 2.99
Even better if the levels are themed in any way.
150 Snow levels for .99
150 Jungle levels for .99 etc... etc...
Some people will know right away that they want more, and they will buy the Mega pack. Others wont be so sure, so tempt them with the first purchase by adding (or removing) something meaningful like Ads to get that .99 cents.
Then next time they go to buy levels... they will look and have to make a decision.
another .99 gets them another 150 levels.
But if they know next week they will back buying the next 150... Boom, another 2.99 sale... because they will get an "extra" 150 levels for a dollar less.
Think of it as incentive based.
The more you can incentivize your IAP, the more likely people are to use them.
Like horrible infomercials...
"Buy this Stupid Book for 4 easy payments of $19.99 and we will throw in a FREE BOOKMARK!"
Nobody cares about the bookmark, but it made sound like a better deal, and thats all that matters.