"You are not authorized to access that resource" Windows Publishing Bug [Merged Threads]



  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,198
    edited July 2014

    We've found the last issue. In case you were wondering what was happening:

    We updated some of our database tables from a string ID to an integer ID. This significantly decreases load times for the publishing page. Unfortunately, our testing worked fine because while comparing lower number ID between strings and numbers worked fine (which is what my test account has), it breaks with higher numbers (which is what most people have). So I needed to created a new account to see the same problems you all were seeing.

    I'm really sorry for the problem. Hopefully, the fact that the publishing pages will take less than 3 seconds to load in most cases now (instead of the 4-10 seconds we had been getting) will make up for this issue.

    Again, many apologies for any inconvenience.

  • sladaksladak Member Posts: 119

    working ok now. Thanks

  • mathusalemrexmathusalemrex Member, PRO Posts: 116

    yay! thx for swift response

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