How much does it cost to advertise with Mobclix?

Are there different package options depending on your needs? If so, what are the typical prices?


  • Zenith_GameworksZenith_Gameworks Member Posts: 310
  • 3itg3itg Member, PRO Posts: 382
    edited April 2013
    pay per click advertising is a weird thing to try and put a price on.
    With that said, you generally set up a campaign (make your ads, pick your audience / types of apps) and then you give it a daily budget (and the minimum i usually $10)
    The ad space is essentially bid on like an auction, by you and the others that would like their ad displayed in the adspace.
    If you want to advertise your game about dogs, for kids, those would be your keywords... Game, Dog, Kids
    In your criteria you can generally have your keywords, the stronger the match, the more you are willing to pay.
    an adspace matches your criteria, but it also matches 1000 others, from this point the adspace is sold to the highest bidder.

    I would advise most people to advance with caution.
    Its easy to blow your money and not see much of a return.
    However, if your app is already making money, diverting part of its daily profits to a campaign to try to make more per day is generally not a bad idea, but the app should pay for its own advertising, in my opinion.

    resources that will likely be more helpful with this subject than these forums:
  • ElfizmElfizm Member Posts: 489
    Not really answering your question here but advertising your game with ads is not for indie dev. In my opinion.

    Big companies do because they say, on average they make 5 dollars per a player. (this means a lot don't pay anything but some pay hundreds and therefore averages out)

    So that means they will spend say 2 dollars per a person to advertise. Games like clash of clans or tiny zoo have millions of downloads. So that means they have millions to spend because they know on average they are going to double that in profit back.

    So for indie dev, as someone said, we should advertise thier games instead of ours because it's unlikely that we will make a hit game. You have a budget, rough guess of $3000 for marketing. You buy a package ect that gets your game noticed. Assuming your game is free with Iaps, they say 0.01% or less will buy an iap. Thats, say you get lucky, 1 person buying for every 100 downloads. Say that thier average amount being spent is $1. That 3000 dollars you spent is going to have to get you 300 000 downloads. And yet these have to be legit downloads not the people who download because they signed up to at FAAD.

    Then say word of mouth gets you up to a total amount of 500 000 downloads. Well done you earned $2000 dollars.
    If $3000 is what it takes to get you 500000 downloads is true, why would tiny zoo be paying 1 million to get the same number of downloads.

    I first though about this, got in contact with publishers, marketing services. They offered me packages that really is a waste of my money when it's only doing it on such a small scale.

    But of course you can get lucky and your app takes off. But as I said earlier and is what i now follow, advertise the big companies games rather then your own. (as well as making your game great for players and not covered in ads)

    These figures mentioned are figures I have learnt over time, they most likely incorrect (much lower, I was being nice) but it gives you an idea.

    As for prices, if your serious about it, get in touch and contact them. Talk about what you want and what they do.

    All the best
  • TinpotTinpot Member Posts: 54
    edited April 2013
    To answer your question in your title from someone who wants to display ads on their network, Mobclix per se, does not directly allow individual publishers to do this

    Although @3itg has provided the link for advertising, this is actually for large scale advertisers. If your interested in direct advertising (ie you want to promote your game on their ad network), your best bet is to go check out the FAQ and contact them directly.

    Alternatively, if you mean how much does it cost to sign up as a developer to display ads in your own game, its compeletely free to do so.
  • PBEmpirePBEmpire Member Posts: 676

    Your website please?? And i dont think people will be willing to splash so much money for a shaky estimation, without providing any links to your websites or genuine people who have benefited from this.
  • Bad wolf GuyBad wolf Guy Member Posts: 206
    Website is under construction, already been in contact. Will have to wait till its up for further information @PBEmpire
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