Publishing 0.10.00 beta GS Windows with Basic Licence

NacMacFeegleNacMacFeegle Member Posts: 11
edited April 2013 in Tech Support
I have reported a bug that I thought might of been fixed after the message "The publishing servers have now been reset"

The message below appears when I try to publish using the Windows 0.10.00 beta version of GS with a Basic licence, I have looked at the cookbook section 8 named "Publishing with Windows Creator" and some of the screen shots are different.

I have completed the process once successfully and can complete the publishing process with a blank project; however I can’t complete an upload of the project I am working on.

Could you please advise?

An error was encountered when uploading project:
System.Net,WebException: The operation timed out
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
GameSalad.Xaml.Publishing.ProjectUploader.uploadFile_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

Many Thanks


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