How do you rename the publishing name of a project?

NacMacFeegleNacMacFeegle Member Posts: 11
edited April 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am having a problem using the windows version of gamesalad when publishing, what I think has happened I have created a project , published it then removed it from my portfolio but continued with the original project in game salad. Now when I come to publish it again it shows an error meassage that states it is timing out.

I can publish a new project so the theory I have is renaming the original project so it thinks it is new. I have tried saving it out as a different file name but that does not work.

Could anyone explain how to rename the publishing name of a project so that it thinks it is a new one?

Many thanks.


  • RynoGuy67RynoGuy67 Member Posts: 24
    I'm having the same issue here. How do I change this? I used a template, saved it as a new name but it still keeps trying to publish it under the template name. Help please!
  • RynoGuy67RynoGuy67 Member Posts: 24
    I am having a problem using the windows version of gamesalad when publishing, what I think has happened I have created a project , published it then removed it from my portfolio but continued with the original project in game salad. Now when I come to publish it again it shows an error meassage that states it is timing out.

    I can publish a new project so the theory I have is renaming the original project so it thinks it is new. I have tried saving it out as a different file name but that does not work.

    Could anyone explain how to rename the publishing name of a project so that it thinks it is a new one?

    Many thanks.

    Did you ever figure this out? I built my game, but I want it to be listed as my own and not the template I used.
  • KumkaniKumkani Member, PRO Posts: 28

    Go to where your file is saved, open the file, fid the object.xml right click it and open. you will see near the top (likely the 2nd line) some code with the game title in it. just delete the title and type in what you want. save that and your game is retitled.

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