gs mac creator or gs windows creator

I am currently using gs windows creator and what i want to know is; are the mac and windows creators comparable or is the mac creator better / more stable than the windows version? I am looking at a new computer purchase so I would appreciate opinions. Thanks.


  • VGXVGX Member Posts: 796
    The Mac GS is far better than Windows GS. I had both and Windows GS was a no no for me. I hope the that UI on Windows NEVER comes to the Mac GS because it was confusing and hard to use.
    Also if you plan to submit games to iPhone, iPad or Mac then you are better off with a Mac anyway cause you can't submit your game from a Windows computer as you need to install key certificates on your Mac once you purchase a dev licence.
  • SnapFireStudiosSnapFireStudios Member Posts: 1,603
    Yep, Windows is still very glitchy.
    - Thomas
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    edited April 2013
    I can't understand why everyone keeps putting the Windows version down like a hot potato :) personally, I don't think it's extremely bad. I think it's good, better than satisfactory.

    Every member of my team uses both versions. When we're in the lab, we're using Macs. When we're home, those with Macs use it and those without use Windows and we just convert the projects when needed (this process is almost seamless now, by the way :) ).

    When it comes to the UI of both versions, let me tell you we all started out with the Mac Creator -- then when the Windows version came out, we all did find it a bit confusing because of the changes made. Fast forward 1.5-2 days later, we're already comfortable with it :) just takes a bit of getting used to, that's all.

    Bottom line, if you have the funds to spare invest in the Mac definitely because most probably you will be wanting to publish for the iOS :) then if you have access to a Windows (or better, more funds for one!) try to familiarize yourself with the version of GS for it too. It won't hurt, trust me ;)
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