Battle system

1) How do I create a battle system like super mario inside story? Random critical hits and attack miss ++

2) How can I create a level system with random item reward? (Also no reward.)
2.1) How can I create a level increase? Like this: When player level up attack increase with 2. Defence with 1.

3) How can create a inventory? (Any demo for creating a RPG inventory)
3.1) How can I Upgrade weapons and equip weapons?

4) How can I save the player X & Y, inventory, level ++ (I got a menu for continue and new game.)

5) How can I create intro scene. (Like when I start Crysis 3. Cryengine come up with a animation in 30 or 60 fps.)

That's all my questions for now. I am developing a huge game in GS and really need your help! Thanks for everybody so have answered my earlier questions! :D

- Tobsom


  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    edited April 2013
    1. You might want to use the random(min, max) function, and probably Tables for this :)

    2. random function again (note: this is available in the Expression editor).
    2.1. Change Attribute

    3. Read up on Tables :) and changing custom declared attributes.
    3.1. Change Table Value behavior and Change Attribute behavior.

    4. Custom declared Attributes

    5. Haven't played any of the Crysis titles, sorry :( but you can create your own Animations using software like Anime Studio Pro, then export each as a set of .png images and use the Animate behavior of GS. Otherwise, you can do some simple animations in Creator such as a combination of Interpolate or Move to, then Change Image behaviors.

    These are all easy peasy stuff you're currently facing! Nothing reading up on GS Basics won't solve :) luckily, we have the CookBook for that. Most things you'll need can be found there --

    P.S. If this is your first game / app, I suggest working on something smaller and simpler first? Might not be a very good idea to start BIG while still figuring out your way with the tool :) Good luck!
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