Slide through a list, how?
I want to make a list of things, in portrait mode, but I don't know how to make it so that I can slide up and down, just like the mail app for example, when you're scrolling through your list of emails. Can anyone indicate me a tutorial video or just explain it to me? Also, can you make it so that there are no tables involved? I just can't get my way around them, lol
Thank you!
I want to make a list of things, in portrait mode, but I don't know how to make it so that I can slide up and down, just like the mail app for example, when you're scrolling through your list of emails. Can anyone indicate me a tutorial video or just explain it to me? Also, can you make it so that there are no tables involved? I just can't get my way around them, lol
Thank you!
If you study that it should give you the know how to make a portrait one. I am making one soon, (scheduled to begin Wednesday) so if your still need of assistance I night be able to help. But I can tell you now, I too will be using the example from GShelper
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