How do I add a value to a attribute?

I am trying to make a 2D Block Game, and moving the placer to make a grid is ugly and I need to add to the position of the placer, so how do I add a value to a attribute?


  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    I don't know what the placer is or what adding to the position of the placer means,

    but I do know that you can use the Change Attribute Behavior to change/add to/subtract from/append your Attributes :) hope that helps, and good luck!
  • dyllandyllan Member Posts: 35
    You would use a change attribute like this:

    Change, game.(NAME OF ATTRIBUTE) To, game.(NAME OF ATTRIBUTE)

    and at the end of it put +, - or whatever command you have.

    Hope I helped : )
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