Honestly, this may sound a bit corny, but I try and see the world in different eyes. Everything can be a game.... Find something you enjoy whether it be inspiration in another game or cleaning your house.... Try and find out what makes your enjoyment and channel that into a game concept...
I hope I am making myself clear but the way I approach it is "anything can be a game".... I have the opposite problem... I have so many ideas but don't always seem to implement them correctly.
Find what you like to do personally and try and figure out what makes it fun for you. Then try and get that same feeling and place it in a game...
Since I do this for a business, my viewpoint on which game to create next is always measured against Best Monetary Gain after release. So for me, I always look at what is most popular right now in terms of the actual mechanic of the gameplay itself. Then I look at what theme is most popular right now for the Demographic I am trying to reach. So to break that down a bit. I create games for the Education Section (primarily ages 2-6 year old kids). I look at the Top grossing for Education and see what types of games are selling, pick the one that I think will give me the best return for my time. Then search the same department for Themes that seem to resonate throughout, and would be a good fit for the mechanic I have picked.
Those two things give me the ingredients for the game that I will make next. And it ensures that it will most likely be fairly profitable afterwards.
Boredom. I really get bored at my actual job as a data analyst. Nothing like mind numbing tedious tasks to really bore you to death. Then BAM! Idea! I have large post-it notes i sketch and note on when I have an idea then I stick that bad boy in my little black notebook for later refinement.
I've actually been in to the whole game creation thing since I was a pup! I have a shoebox full I papers with game ideas I had written down since childhood and use them for inspiration!
*Puts on creepy voice* I am your conscious @Socks.. you must do my will.. Now punch yourself in the face 3 times and then jump out the window.. :P - Thomas
*Puts on creepy voice* I am your conscious @Socks.. you must do my will.. Now punch yourself in the face 3 times and then jump out the window.. :P - Thomas
The face thing was easy, but there are no windows in my room, even if there were I wouldn't be able to cut through the bars.
I hope I am making myself clear but the way I approach it is "anything can be a game".... I have the opposite problem... I have so many ideas but don't always seem to implement them correctly.
Find what you like to do personally and try and figure out what makes it fun for you. Then try and get that same feeling and place it in a game...
I hope this helps.
Those two things give me the ingredients for the game that I will make next. And it ensures that it will most likely be fairly profitable afterwards.
- Thomas
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
I am your conscious @Socks.. you must do my will..
Now punch yourself in the face 3 times and then jump out the window..
- Thomas
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.