Real time problem
Hi again! I really need some help. Please reply with more that one world like: Change abriute. I don't know what abritute and how to connect it togheter. I really want to create a economy game in Gamesalad. The game is going to be a offline game and not a social online game or MMO,but will run like a MMO. The game will be for iPad and maybe Android tablets. I am asking how I do this.
[Sorry for my english]
So here is my questions:
In the start you can choose name of your company. How can I create that? You also will with $1000 000 cash and can choose a start place.
What I need help with is how to create a modify bank system. I really want to create banks with different options and also payment time system. I also want to create a payment overdue system. When time is out. Overdue! And if you can't pay you loose.
Also you can buy plots and build a factory and produce more. I will create the earth, but can I create the earth in 3D or is that too much for Gamesalad. 2D is also an option and easier. I will have marks where you can buy plots or lands and in a 3D earth this is going to be advanced.
Also this plots can be set on auction. Random players place bids and the player with highest bid win the plot. What I want to create is a random generator so is choosing random plot's. The plots is not costing the same so I have to create a Bidding generator for every plot.
Then the player buy a factory the player can sell it for a smaller amount or the player can upgrade it. Upgrading cost money and time, but then the upgrade is finish you can produce more. Also you can choose to shut down the factory. The factory will then not have any maintenance.
You can also create different locations. The locations will earn you money. Example: If location worth is $30 and maintenance is $20 you will earn $10 per day.
Next I want to create a finance system. This is the most advanced I will create. I will sell different products to different prices and the price change all the time. You have to choose what to produce and sell on the right time.
Also I want to create a real time game. Then the date is 12 april in real life it's 12 april in the game. This will be an image so will display.
Also I need with some smaller questions:
The game will save the progress when the player press the save button. All the money, finance, Factory locations, loans. Everything. Everything will save when player press the button and also when the player press continue the previous saved game will load. Also when the player start a new game and press the save button when there is a saved game the game will warn you about it.
I also want to create a money system. When player sell the product add money to balance. Also if you buy factories you need to pay maintenance. The maintenance will take money every day and when you have 0 cash the fabric will be demolished and the player will get a some cash. A text will display how much cash you have.
What I also need to create is a total worth. The money and factories will be the total worth.
Also I want to create a notify icon. The icon will turn red when something is finish. If the upgrade is finish the icon turn's red and when you press the icon a bubble will display and say upgrade is finish.
This is my questions for now and I hope you guys will answer them! Have a nice day!
- Tobsom

So here is my questions:
In the start you can choose name of your company. How can I create that? You also will with $1000 000 cash and can choose a start place.
What I need help with is how to create a modify bank system. I really want to create banks with different options and also payment time system. I also want to create a payment overdue system. When time is out. Overdue! And if you can't pay you loose.
Also you can buy plots and build a factory and produce more. I will create the earth, but can I create the earth in 3D or is that too much for Gamesalad. 2D is also an option and easier. I will have marks where you can buy plots or lands and in a 3D earth this is going to be advanced.
Also this plots can be set on auction. Random players place bids and the player with highest bid win the plot. What I want to create is a random generator so is choosing random plot's. The plots is not costing the same so I have to create a Bidding generator for every plot.
Then the player buy a factory the player can sell it for a smaller amount or the player can upgrade it. Upgrading cost money and time, but then the upgrade is finish you can produce more. Also you can choose to shut down the factory. The factory will then not have any maintenance.
You can also create different locations. The locations will earn you money. Example: If location worth is $30 and maintenance is $20 you will earn $10 per day.
Next I want to create a finance system. This is the most advanced I will create. I will sell different products to different prices and the price change all the time. You have to choose what to produce and sell on the right time.
Also I want to create a real time game. Then the date is 12 april in real life it's 12 april in the game. This will be an image so will display.
Also I need with some smaller questions:
The game will save the progress when the player press the save button. All the money, finance, Factory locations, loans. Everything. Everything will save when player press the button and also when the player press continue the previous saved game will load. Also when the player start a new game and press the save button when there is a saved game the game will warn you about it.
I also want to create a money system. When player sell the product add money to balance. Also if you buy factories you need to pay maintenance. The maintenance will take money every day and when you have 0 cash the fabric will be demolished and the player will get a some cash. A text will display how much cash you have.
What I also need to create is a total worth. The money and factories will be the total worth.
Also I want to create a notify icon. The icon will turn red when something is finish. If the upgrade is finish the icon turn's red and when you press the icon a bubble will display and say upgrade is finish.
This is my questions for now and I hope you guys will answer them! Have a nice day!
- Tobsom