Does Anybody Know How To Do This Jump Trick?

TimeTime Member Posts: 113
Does anybody know how make a player jump low with a button and when the button is held then the player jumps higher and goes down?


  • TheFrogeekTheFrogeek Member Posts: 97
    Something like super meat boy jumps?

    For me: If attribute jump is true, or if key "space" (for exemple) is down, and if grounded is true:
    Then change Motion.linear.velocity.Y to (the highest value you want your to actor jump to)


    If self Motion.linear.velocity < 0
    Then change Motion.linear.velocity.Y to 0 (for exemple, but you can change 0 by an other "positive" value).

    But maybe some one has an other better way to do this.
    Sorry for my bad English. Hope it helps you.
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