Make an actor go through maze?
Is there a way to make an actor automatically go through a simple maze (like zigs zags or so) even if it requires the actor to go the opposite way from the finish?
Kinda like this game:
Kinda like this game:
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YOU then type in the positions of where it needs to go,
Eg, 10,29
You will then use the interpolate or move to behavior to go to those positions. It involves a bit more, but i am pretty sure that's what codemonkey was referring to.
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Blank - No exit
N - North
S - South
E - East
W - West
NW - North and West
NS - North and South... etc.
Then when an actor gets to a cell, it pulls the data from the table and checks if it contains a direction to go to.
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So just to be clear?
It's a grid game
The player is creating the maze
How are they doing this? By touching each sqaure?
If so it's going to be quite complicated to work with. Very. If you can provide an image of an example it should help a lot.
The player clicks on a gun they want and place it on the grid. enemies come in and try to make their way to the base. The guns automatically shoot toward the enemies. Once the base loses it's health the game is over.
Thank you for your help!
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This template might be useful:
It seems like if you had the player place possible waypoints/intersections you might have better luck getting the enemies to figure out the maze, but that's expecting a lot from a player.
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Most tower defense games have a set path. Feildrunners 2 has a grid method in which the troops take the quickest path.
This too is very complicated, don't expect any one to give it away free.
I was playing around with and it's come to a lot of variables. Going to attempt it tonight if have time. But as stated before, having a pre calculated course would be done easier. Then have the option to place guns on the sides of the path.
Then you would use tables as mentioned to before.
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