Spawning rule stops working when I swipe quickly?
I am making a trail that follows your finger as you swipe (like fruit ninja). It works like this:
In the spawner actor,
when mouse button is down: spawn trail
constrain attribute: game.distance to magnitude(mouse.pos.x-game.last x, mouse.pos.y-game.last y)
(last x and last y store the position of the last trail actor placed)
when attribute game.distance > 10 and mouse button is down: spawn trail
It works perfectly except that when I move my finger quickly, it stops spawning the trail completely. Interestingly, the speed that causes it to stop working depends on the number I put in the distance rule. If I make the number in the rule, say, 100, I can swipe faster before it stops spawning, but I need it to spawn more often so the trail is smooth. With 10, though, it stops working even if I swipe quite slowly. I have checked using display text that the distance attribute is working as it should be, so why has it stopped spawning? Could this be a bug?
In the spawner actor,
when mouse button is down: spawn trail
constrain attribute: game.distance to magnitude(mouse.pos.x-game.last x, mouse.pos.y-game.last y)
(last x and last y store the position of the last trail actor placed)
when attribute game.distance > 10 and mouse button is down: spawn trail
It works perfectly except that when I move my finger quickly, it stops spawning the trail completely. Interestingly, the speed that causes it to stop working depends on the number I put in the distance rule. If I make the number in the rule, say, 100, I can swipe faster before it stops spawning, but I need it to spawn more often so the trail is smooth. With 10, though, it stops working even if I swipe quite slowly. I have checked using display text that the distance attribute is working as it should be, so why has it stopped spawning? Could this be a bug?