My apps!
Member Posts: 68
I would like to introduce myself: I am Patryk and I am student of economics at this very moment, I also freelance as a graphic designer from time to time, since always in love of 2d games. I want to start my very own small indie game studio called Cucurbit.
Thanks to your support and this wonderful community (especially @SnapFireStudios) I have managed to complete my very first app and get thru publishing process (it is in review right now).
I also attach the very first screen of the big project I am working on (at 1/2 of res). I would really appreciate every single comment.
I will make some updates in that thread soon!
I would like to introduce myself: I am Patryk and I am student of economics at this very moment, I also freelance as a graphic designer from time to time, since always in love of 2d games. I want to start my very own small indie game studio called Cucurbit.
Thanks to your support and this wonderful community (especially @SnapFireStudios) I have managed to complete my very first app and get thru publishing process (it is in review right now).
I also attach the very first screen of the big project I am working on (at 1/2 of res). I would really appreciate every single comment.
I will make some updates in that thread soon!
The other image looks interesting. Let me know if you need any beta testers.
- Thomas
It is actually 'Cheer me' and it is available on the appstore right now. It is and will be free forever, as it was done in few hours including the app icon.
What do you think of the sketch I've made this afternoon?
2nd version:
My problem with that:
Does it look like the astronaut standing backwards?
And yes, he looks like he's standing backwards maybe if you can integrate the "tube" into the second piece, without using the helmet panel (because it looks like the visor), it might improve just my 2 cents, hope it works.
Edit: Most of the text/image gets cut off for me on an iPhone 4, portrait mode. Can't wait for the second game though! Looks like it's gunna be superb
Yep, I have seen it now - the problem with cut off images is now fixed, waiting for the AppStore approval. Thank you! My bad I only tested it on iPad.
Some small changes, our little friend has got a bow now. I've also added HUD elements.
Left to do:
- more weapons
- missiles
- explosions
- menu
- power ups
- shields
With the missile and menu ready I start to code that. I will appreciate every opinion!
Just to inform: I finally managed to find some spare time and I've made few big changes. First of all, it is now horizontal, as I belive I've found some nice gameplay.
What is more, I designed really simple and intuitive interface, I want the whole game to merge in one simple scene, without loading times.
Check out some new screens!
It turns out that it is quite complicated to prepare something really simple
And some mockup, without details yet, in Photoshop at half resolution:
Your comments are always appreciated!
Yep, flat design is cool and I want to keep whole UI that way and what I meant about adding details is something like that, just to cheer it up a little:
Thank you!
No, not yet. I am coding one in so called meantime, I belive it will be online along with my game premiere.
I am rather new to the graphic design and stuff.
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Hey guys, I need advice - I've almost finished everything now except for the major thing:
What would you like to shoot the stars/planet with? X-bow, bow or something rather 'Jetsons, modern stuff', like plasma gun or same kind of super-turbo laser?
BTW. Some achievement badges I am working on:
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Games and Templates
Thank you! I am really glad to hear that, as I would definitly prefer graphic design over economics as my future job
Although, have you got any opinion about the weapon? I am quite stuck in that.
Weapon? Any suggestions? What would you like to shoot with to protect the universe?
1) classical 360 shooter, enemies are heading forward the center of the screen
2) shoot-the-birds like game, where you shoot from the bottom and enemies are heading toward the bottom
Everything looks faaaaaantastic so far!
edit: btw if you can animate those "comets / shooting stars" in the menu, that'd be superb!
What if in the gameplay2 you will be able to drag from anywhere and It will affect the edge of the screen?
Actually, I want to do that the 'upper' screen from the menu is actually a game background, so everything will be animated
Thank you for your comments, it means a lot to me!
As for shooting things, neon colored beams/lasers/arrows would be cool but you've done such awesome art so far I'd hate to suggest anything that veers away from your current train of thought for the game. So, trust your gut instinct it's A-OK so far!
In few days I will try to get the video of animations etc., as I started to slicing graphics and I belive it is ready to be put in gamesalad.
I am happy to announce that I have almost finished the interface.
Here is the link:
Sorry for crappy quality, but it is some kind of free app to record screen.
Shop & the instructions (there will be two more bubbles) are not ready yet.
Anyway, here is the real colors screen captured at 1/2 of screen size (normalny it is retina ready, of course)